Have you ever wondered why alone you attract men wrong or “boots”?. Your love life has been a disaster for some time, you can’t find any way out in a formal relationship and the people who have passed through your life have only taught you to see what you don’t want in a partner.

If the pattern of men who have hurt you repeats itself, perhaps the problem is not them, it is probably you and you do not realize it. Sometimes you can unintentionally give the wrong signals, you idealize and you only see what you want to see.

If you have repeatedly started to feel attracted and in love with someone and shortly after starting the relationship, you realize that this person did not turn out to be the person you had idealized, making you lose faith in love, probably because you always attract the same type of people.

In general, we look for and accept dating men who meet the same type of patterns, based on the model of the ideal boy that we have in mind, however, we do not realize that we are making a serious mistake because, unfortunately, that person they will never become as we idealize them no matter how hard we try.

So why do we attract only the wrong patrons? It all lies in that we are the reflection of what we attract, the level of value that you see in yourself is the same that you will attract from other people because we accept the love that we believe we deserve. In addition, we will always look for someone with whom we feel comfortable since we are afraid of changing and trying new things.


For this reason it is important that you fall in love with the woman you see in the mirror, accept yourself with your imperfections because only then can you attract the best for your life. Take some time to reflect on who you are, get to know yourself and find out what you require of a person to be happy.

Repeatedly we dedicate our energies to find a way to change the behavior and feelings of the other person so that they become the person we dream of, however it is time for you to realize that the ideal person does not have to be perfect. , but suitable for you and only when you know and accept yourself, you can accept him with his virtues and defects.

Keep in mind that you attract what you are.

Source: wapa magazine