The double, within the family tree, is that person or persons with whom there is a great affinity (many times unconscious), and from whom we inherit programs (experiences, conflicts, illnesses, behaviors, etc.). It is for this reason that many times they will tell us “you remind me a lot of your grandfather” or “you are just like your uncle” and things like that.

We can be double those who “duplicate” or those who “repair” the program. I will explain this with a very simple example.

Imagine that you are the double of a grandfather who is an alcoholic. If you are double of those who duplicate the program, that program is going to lead you to be an alcoholic or to have some type of addiction similar. On the other hand, if you are double of those who repair, it is very likely that you do not like alcohol at all, and above all you will not stand people who drink a lot. You could also repair by being an assistant in an association to help addicts, and even marry one or one.

He unconsciousHe has a great sense of humor at times and we can find ourselves duplicating or fixing programs in various and very subtle ways.

Sometimes, the person of whom I am a double had a conflict in life that he did not resolve, and I can somatize that conflict. I will give an example, to help you see it more clearly. Let’s say that you are the double of an aunt who could not have children, because for whatever reason she “missed the rice”, that is, she missed the time and she did not have them. She lived through this in silence and feeling that time was slipping away from her. Since you are double of that aunt, you could somatize a thyroid problem (thyroid is a conflict of time “I lack time, time escapes me, etc.”).


How do I know whose double I am in my tree?

You can be double for many reasons, such as:

– If you have the same name as someone in your family, you are automatically their double. (In compound names, it may be that you have the exact same name, or that you coincide in one of them. Example: If your name is María Jesús, and your grandfather’s name is Jesús, you are automatically his double. Also keep in mind that if your name is Pepe, and you have a grandmother called Finita and an uncle called José, since the name is the same, you are double of both.

– If you have a very important physical resemblance, you are double. Everyone in the family can have a certain physical resemblance, but when the resemblance becomes a photocopy, surely you are double.

– By the dates of birth, death and conception.

It must be clear that being someone’s double is neither good nor bad, it simply means that we are going to inherit their programs. We inherit many positive things for our life experience, and others that can be very limiting. Our nature is to live in coherence, in balance and inner peace, if you do not live in this way, it is very likely that you are duplicating or repairing something. That’s when you can turn to transgenerational tree and look up.

Remember that you don’t look at the tree from top to bottom, thinking “what can happen to me?”, but from bottom to top, “what’s wrong with me?


Finally, the work of the transgenerational tree is a “forgiveness game“, (understanding as forgiveness the “non-judgment” and the total understanding that what happened was always the best that could happen… or in other words, what happened was possible, and from Love everything makes sense) , although to reach it requires uncovering what was hidden, that famous shadow that Carl G. Jung spoke of.

-Saúl Pérez Sánchez-

You can see too.