When someone dies, they don’t go alone. He takes part of your soul to make his wings, in this way he manages to fly with you. When someone dies, they don’t go alone. He takes your voice and listens carefully, in this way he manages to guide himself along the way.

When someone dies, they don’t go alone, they take the memories with them, in this way they laugh along the way so they don’t get bored. When someone dies, they don’t leave you alone, they leave you part of their soul, this way you’ll know they’re okay.

When someone dies, they don’t leave you alone, they leave you their voice, this is how your conscience will be. When someone dies, he doesn’t leave you alone, he leaves you the memories, this way you’ll laugh with him.

When someone dies, something magical happens, somewhat inexplicable, they don’t want to get away, so they change bodies to be with you. Search in others, a fragment of him or her. Search well and you will find it; there are many people who are yet to meet, many of them will have part of this person, open up to new people, make more friends, fill them with love, cry and laugh with them, make them two bodies and one mind.

When someone dies, something magical happens, somewhat inexplicable. He doesn’t want to get away. When your vision blurs, it’s who passes in front of you; when you get chills, it’s the one who hugs you; when you are cold at night, he is the one who shelters you; when you stumble, it’s the one who sticks your foot in to laugh a little; when you can’t comb your hair, it’s the one who makes fun of how bad you look; when you laugh out of nowhere, he is the one who tells you a joke and you didn’t even notice.


When someone dies, it’s not for you to be sad, it’s hard to understand but it’s true: he or she is better there, and who better to guide you, until the time comes for you to leave, because they look forward to seeing your funny face and laugh out loud with you again.

When someone dies, it’s magical… but it’s still with you.