Clinical Psychology – The Best TECHNIQUES!

The “nervous stomach” feeling is a common symptom of anxiety. When a person experiences anxiety, the body goes into a alertness, which can trigger a series of physical responses, including those that affect the gastrointestinal system such as the nerves in the

Nerves in the stomach when waking up is a clinical condition that a person can experience when faced with situations that generate anguish, anxiety, sadness or uncertainty. When it is not possible to process these feelings in any other way, the body manifests them through physical symptoms.

In the Region of Murcia there are one and a half million inhabitants, many of whom require professional help to overcome problems. which we face daily in our lives. The most prominent causes that make a large number of people need psychological support range from

Work can be an activity that generates a series of inconveniences in the development of daily life. The conditions that appear fears of work are one of the causes most investigated by psychology and psychiatry. In this sense, work ergophobia is one of the disorders

When you experience anxiety, you may notice problems with your vision, such as difficulty seeing clearly, sensitivity to light, hyperventilation, eye strain and even pain in specific moments of tension and uncertainty. In this sense, it is important to keep in mind that this condition is not only

High levels of concentration are one of the most controversial research topics that have been detected in the field of medicine. and psychology. In general, excessive focus can impact the development of activities of daily living. Although this could sometimes be considered

Broken heart syndrome is a psychological condition that manifests itself with a series of physical and emotional symptoms. The heart is the epicenter of our deepest emotions, however, its fragility is not limited to the physical realm, but extends to the complexities of the emotional world.

Within relationships with narcissistic people, the concept of zero contact has become an action with great results. It is about of a strategy that involves breaking all communication and contact with a person, especially in the context of a conflictive relationship that is unhealthy.

See also  9 tips to control the nerves in the stomach

Excessive dreaming disorder is one of the most prevalent clinical conditions today. In general terms, this condition can cause negative situations that harm the person’s performance in various areas of daily life, such as work, education or relationships.

Paranoia is a term used in psychology and psychiatry to describe a type of thought disorder characterized by the presence persistent and excessive delusional beliefs. From distrust to a deep belief in conspiracies, paranoia can manifest itself in various ways.

Anxiety is one of the most relevant clinical conditions addressed in mental health and our way of responding to stressful situations. It is a widely debated topic in research. In this sense, heat on the face due to anxiety is one of the problems that most afflicts human beings.

Living with high levels of responsibilities and dealing with external demands can be an arduous task. In general, many people They present serious difficulties in their work environments because they have to carry out stressful situations. In these cases, it is common for symptoms to occur.

One of the most common problems that can occur in people who consume medications are extrapyramidal symptoms. The effects Side effects of certain drugs can cause problems in the development of daily activities in various areas of life. This set of difficulties

The absence of happiness is one of the most common clinical conditions in the world’s population. It is common that there are often unpleasant sensations that prevent enjoyment in social, family and work situations, as a result of an underlying problem. Some people live with high levels of frustration

Cibophobia or fear of eating is one of the problems with the greatest impact on people who suffer from it. In general terms, this clinical picture This means that food can be an obstacle that prevents fruitful and long-lasting social relationships. This suffering is reflected in a disorder

Difficulty swallowing due to anxiety is an alert response from the body that affects the way swallowing is performed. Usually Temporary and symptoms may vary from person to person. The symptoms that arise must be addressed with precision and efficiency so that they do not alter other areas.

Creating stories in your head is not a disorder in itself. In fact, it is a common and natural activity for many people. However, The invention of stories can become a mental health disorder if there are problems in the way of establishing social ties and carrying out

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Psychological debriefing in emergencies and disasters is one of the most used techniques when exposed to traumatic situations. In Sometimes, human beings face moments that they consider dangerous and that can represent a risk to life. Because of this, it is normal that

Dissociative fugue in psychology is a mental health problem that seriously affects the lives of people who suffer from it. Faced with the consequences that this mental disorder brings with it, sudden changes are experienced in emotions, thoughts and particular behaviors. In these cases, it is likely to hear

It is good to take valerian to calm anxiety, as it is a medicinal herb that has sedative and relaxing effects on the body and mind. Its consumption has become widespread and has been used for a long time as a remedy for anxiety and insomnia. However, it should be noted that there are some

Oppositional defiant disorder is one of the clinical diagnoses that brings with it a series of behavioral complications. TO Often, one hears reports in places like school and work that reflect a deep discomfort with these situations. On the other hand, the lack of data gives

High levels of anxiety can cause alterations in memories about everyday life situations. In many cases, the People who suffer continuous stress have a tendency to lose data that is stored in short- and long-term memory. As a result of this, it is possible that they suffer

Some people taking paroxetine may experience weight gain, while others may not have any significant changes in its weight. Side effects may vary from individual to individual. Paroxetine is an antidepressant medication that has been shown to be effective in the treatment

Not all people with bipolar disorder are aggressive. This mental condition is characterized by extreme mood swings, irritability and impulsiveness, which can give the impression of aggressiveness. Bipolar disorder is a complex psychological condition characterized by extreme and cyclical changes

Dyspnea due to anxiety is a difficult experience that presents as respiratory distress triggered by high-level situations. of stress and anxiety It is a situation that can be very worrying and disconcerting for those who experience it, since the respiratory symptoms

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Ecoanxiety is one of the psychological manifestations that persists today due to the intense climate changes that affect environment. Often, the concerns of people who show a marked interest in environmental events are reflected by various symptoms.

Throughout history, different psychological theories have emerged such as the Dualism of René Descartes, the Constructivism of Lev Vygotsky, the Gestalt Theory, among many others, which give a focus to the essential aspects of human behavior, emotions and cognitive processes.

Depression is a mental illness that affects millions of people around the world. It is often described as a deep sensation of sadness and hopelessness, but its consequences go beyond the emotional symptoms. The consequences of depression can last even after

Love is a feeling that can trigger a wide range of emotions and behaviors in people. However, when one of If the members of the couple have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), love dynamics can take on a new dimension. ADHD is

Nervous anxiety is known as acute anxiety, and is characterized by being short-lived and related to a specific situation. or a particular event that generates stress. In today’s world full of stress, obligations and worries, nervous anxiety has become a phenomenon.

Anticipatory anxiety is an emotional experience that affects many people in different aspects of their lives. Unlike the anxiety in the present moment, anticipatory anxiety leads us to imagine and fear the possible negative outcomes of future situations. Thus,

Intelligence is a variable that is not directly linked to bipolar people. In other words, there is no scientific evidence that endorses a type of intelligence higher than the average of the population of human beings who have not been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Despite

Depression is a mental disorder that affects millions of people around the world and whose repercussions go beyond emotional symptoms. In addition to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in daily activities, depression can manifest itself through physical symptoms,

A heart attack and an anxiety attack can be causes of intense worry for both…