BREADCRUMBING – What it is, signs to identify it and how to act

Many have probably heard the term in recent years. breadcrumbing which mentions when a person likes to receive attention. but he has no intention of taking the relationship to another phase or truly committing to the other person.

In this Psychology-Online article, we will talk in depth about this topic, since many people may identify with this new term or think that they are in a relationship when, in reality, they are being affected by this phenomenon. Discover what is the breadcrumbingthe signs to identify it and how to act.

What is breadcrumbing

The word breadcrumbing In its translation into Spanish it refers to “leaving crumbs.” Specifically, it consists of a person who has no intention of taking the relationship further, but likes to receive attention. In this way, his behavior is based on constant flirting and send signals of interest affective, knowing that he will remain single For a good time.

This modality is based on leave crumbs of affection to the potential partner to maintain the illusion without the slightest intention of sharing with the other person. The person who is dedicated to doing breadcrumbing It is responsible for sending deceptive messages to keep the other person in the initial phase of love and interest.

Some people who have inadequate self-esteem seek to demonstrate to themselves that they have abilities and skills to capture the attention of others, to seduce. They have the need to feel desired and thus appear interesting or special. He breadcrumbing It is the strategy to inadequately feed self-esteem.

How to make breadcrumbing

With social networks they facilitate breadcrumbing, it is more accessible to throw breadcrumbs because of the prompt response that is obtained and leave messages waiting for the other person to respond to the request. Before access to social networks, the breadcrumbing It was done through looks and gestures.

He breadcrumbing is usually quite cruel as he usually is, as it leaves a person wondering and waiting for a relationship that will never happen which affects the mental health of those who are waiting.

The psychologist Molina, C.(sf), reports that it is a dangerous form of seduction; It is proven that providing that crumb of bread little by little is one of the ways in which human beings become most hooked. People are much more sensitive and attached to what is variable than to what is constant.”

Causes of breadcrumbing

There are two hypotheses that explain the causes of breadcrumbing. We will see them below.

  • Fear of ending or ending a relationship: fear of facing the situation and being honest with the other person. Likewise, the fear of hurting the other person by communicating what they really feel and think about the relationship.
  • Feed your own ego: having a person in the phase of falling in love and interest in the relationship, which will not happen, to feel better about yourself.

In a study published by Zamorano, E. (2021), he mentions that the breadcrumbing has increased in recent yearsas he breadcrumbing romantic like him breadcrumbing employment, in which it maintains the supposed employee who is the ideal candidate for the company and in a short period of time will be part of the work team, which will not happen.

On the other hand, the same author maintains that human beings live constantly attached to the internet, increasing from 2015 to 2021. The pandemic has increased the hours of exposure to the internet, but 44% of people between 18 and 49 years old are constantly connected or online, which refers to greater number of digital relationships established with other people and greater fluidity when meeting other people.

Signs to identify breadcrumbing

The psychologist Paoli, G. (cited by Gálvez, M. 2020), reports that people who practice breadcrumbing They do it because they have a constant need for approvalLikewise, they need someone to be thinking about them constantly, they seek to feed their ego and tend to have .

A habit of people who present breadcrumbing is that they get up an hour earlier to write messages to their entire list of conquests and in this way they stay entertained in their reaffirmation of self-worth.

The specialist mentions that there is breadcrumbing passive, which is based on subtle behavior that can be interpreted as simple shyness. The author reports that they are people who find it difficult to position themselves and do not dare to be honest. Generally, they are people who They are waiting for the other person to let themsince they do not dare to do it for themselves, but neither do they dare to leave their romantic breadcrumbs.

How to avoid breadcrumbing

If you’re wondering how to end it breadcrumbing, the first thing you should do is analyze the situation from the outside. In general, it is possible to experience a de because of the experience you have had. Putting everything that happened in retrospect helps do not repeat patterns or behaviors from the past.

Another way to avoid breadcrumbing is analyze the possible causes of what you have experienced. It is important to value yourself as a person and ask yourself if that was what you needed in your love life. You can go to a psychologist if you need it.

Furthermore, to exit the breadcrumbingIt is important set limits in any type of relationship. Make it clear that you are willing to tolerate and that you are not and express your discontent or end a situation or relationship that you observe is not progressing.

How to respond to breadcrumbing

To respond to breadcrumbingyou must follow the following steps:

  1. Recognize that you are facing a person who is doing to you breadcrumbing.
  2. Verbalize it through it and make him understand that it is not the appropriate way to carry out the relationship.
  3. Assess physical presencethe approach, appointments and outings that help establish better interpersonal relationships.
  4. Highlight self-love and esteem. In this article, we tell you.
  5. Set limits when necessary: even more so when it is observed that trust in others is being played in a role that we do not wish to participate in.

If somehow you feel that it is not enough, it is advisable go to a specialist to guide you on how to respond to the breadcrumbing in your specific case.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. Molina, C. (sf). Cepsim. Recovered from:
  2. Zamorano, E. (08/10/2021). Soul, heart, and life. Recovered from:
  3. Gálvez, M. (11/10/2020). The country. Recovered from: -their-victims.html
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