What it’s like to live with a mental health disorder

Living with a mental health disorder is a challenge for the person and their closest social circle.. Crises, at first, do not announce their arrival and the fluctuation in changes in behavior, temperament or mood are more overwhelming. Understanding what is happening is the first step that the person must take, for this it is essential self-recognition of the emotional discomfort one feels and the acceptance that help is required and beginning the search for a specialist.

That decision is difficult, it is not easy to assume that something is not right in the brain, that there are strong thoughts that do not allow us to be calm or that others do not understand the situation and make comments about “the strangeness” with which we live or express ourselves. person. Thus, How can we lose the fear of going to a psychologist or psychiatrist if there is a belief that only “crazy” people go to them? This is the first stigma that must continue to be broken.

To do this, Martha Escobar Lux, psychiatrist at the Mental Health Department of the Santa Fe Foundation in Bogotá, spoke with Porque Quiero Be Well about mental health, myths and challenges that we have to demolish and/or take charge of as a society.

We remind you that in this throughout 10 chapters, you will find testimonies from experts, personalities from public life and citizens who will relate their life experience with anxiety, depression, bipolarity, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, eating behavior, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism.

See also  Does autism affect mental development?

An initiative of the Santo Domingo Foundation with the support of the Santa Fe de Bogotá Foundation and Pulse.

We are here to listen to you and provide you with psychological help. Call us or write to us at 333 033 3588 and receive guidance from mental health experts. This service is free and exclusive for adults.