Does autism affect mental development?

One of our specialists answers the most common questions asked by Internet users on Google about autism.

There is some transversal affectation because because they did not develop according to their chronological agebut let’s say that if you have a specific comorbidity with a mental diagnosis, it presents a low probability.

Activities for children with autism

Some of the activities that are important to work with autistic children from the area of ​​psychology are focused around the entire development of both social skills and emotional regulation processes.

Perhaps this is the most difficult part that the family has to be able to identify how to control these attacks or these emotional crises that the little ones present and look for strategies that allow them to first recognize the emotion and know what emotions they are feeling, for them it is very difficult to be able to recognize with Clarity what emotion they are expressing in different situations.

For example, when they are in a shopping center and they want to eat ice cream, but dad doesn’t have the money or simply doesn’t want to give it, when they say no, their response can be much more intense than that of a child of the same age without the diagnosis. . There it is important that the father teaches him to recognize what emotion he is feeling. It could probably be sadness or anger, but once the child makes that recognition, the process of regulating that emotion will be much easier.

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What is the difference between Asperger’s and autism?

They really are in the same category. However the It has a specific characteristic and that is that it has a much broader cognitive development and a much higher IQ than a regular autistic child.

Is autism a mental disorder?

No, autism is not a mental disorder. ; That is, it has a neurological basis that may include alterations in attention, memory, perception, language, problem solving or social interaction.

How to understand a person with autism?

You simply have to understand that, although he has his individual differences, he is also part of and is a human being who requires special attention and care and that you will be there willing to provide him with all the emotional and social support that he requires.

Is a person with autism necessarily OCD?

It’s not necessarily OCD. They do present some stereotypies that are normally characterized in the head as well as in the hands or feet, but that does not mean that this generates OCD.

What are the limitations of autism?

The process of language development, the process of establishing social relationships, the process of emotional regulation, the quality of life may be diminished, but with therapies and treatment that is provided in an assertive manner and at an early age it can help a lot.

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Can it be prevented?

Autism really cannot be prevented because it is biological in nature and, no matter how much we try to control many areas, it will be very difficult to know exactly if my child is going to be autistic or not.

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If you suddenly meet someone or know of someone who has had a diagnosis of autism, or you are the parent of a child with autism, remember that this is not the end, that you are just beginning a path and that it is important that you have all the attitude and with all the tools to provide a better quality of life for your child.

If your little one is between 2, 4, 5 or 6 years old, you have time to improve the quality of life and that is the most important thing. Finally, the diagnosis gives us wings so that you can provide an effective solution and improve your child’s quality of life. Don’t be scared by that, if you want to talk, vent, we will be very attentive here to provide you with all the emotional support you need. Call us or write to us at 3330333588.