I remember the benefits of constantly drinking water

Water consumption is vital, and even more so in these moments of confinement where the body has undergone so many emotional and physical changes.

The benefit of water, “beyond the fact that it keeps us hydrated and quenches thirst, is that it is a great component so that the body can carry out all its functions normally,” said Analía Moreiro, Argentine nutritionist in the article ‘Drink lots of water and do not consume high-calorie foods: nutritional advice in times of coronavirus’, from .

The places where water was consumed the most before confinement were perhaps the office, the gym or the park where they exercised, the car, and when arriving home. That is why it is important that you have a glass of water in your busiest place so that you can drink it when your body asks for it and that when you do physical activity at home or outside, you bring the drink to hydrate yourself, the body loses water so you need to recover it constantly.

What are the benefits?

With teleworking, the preparation of food at home increased, but let’s not tell lies, also the consumption of sweets, packages, soda, and other snacks that we like so much. If you don’t want to eat so many sweets, water should be your ally at home.

According to a study published by , by drinking more water you eat less, because many times the body confuses thirst with hunger, and can make that sensation disappear. By doing so you will be stopping consuming calories that come from sugary drinks, juices and salty foods.

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Experts mentioned in an article highlight that regularly drinking water can:

  1. Relieve fatigue: With more water in the body, the heart does not have to work too hard to pump oxygenated blood to all the cells.
  2. Avoid headache and migraine: Drinking two liters of water a day eliminates these discomforts, which in many cases are caused by dehydration.
  3. Help in digestion and avoid constipation: By drinking a sufficient amount of water, the metabolism is improved and the food we consume is broken down properly.
  4. Help maintain skin freshness: through the replenishment of skin tissues, hydration, increased elasticity and improvement in scars, acne, expression lines and other symptoms of aging.
  5. Regulate body temperature: A good intake of water allows the body to have more energy, helps keep muscles and joints lubricated, and also increases resistance in the ligaments, which reduces the risk of suffering from cramps and sprains.
  6. Improve the immune system: It helps the body fight diseases such as flu, heart attacks, rheumatism, arthritis and kidney stones, among others.
  7. Improve bad breath: This symptom is a clear sign that the body needs more water. Saliva releases bacteria from the mouth and keeps the tongue hydrated. Saliva secretion is a natural protector of teeth, so drinking water also helps reduce dental diseases.