I recognize gender identities and sexual orientations

We explain everything about these concepts, so that you can strengthen your knowledge and treat others with respect, according to gender identity and sexual orientation.

«Gender, gender identity and sexual orientation? Hmm, what, how…?».

Don’t worry, here we will explain everything about these concepts to you, so that you can strengthen your knowledge.

Well, let’s start with the genre:

– It is the concept that recognizes that the feminine and the masculine are the result of a social and cultural construction that varies over time and from one culture to another; and they are crossed by power relations.

What about gender stereotypes?

They are widespread opinions or prejudices about how men and women are supposed to act and behave based on their biological sex: masculine men, feminine women.

– Girls should dress in pink clothes and boys in blue clothes. Fake! Colors have no gender, dress however you feel best.

– That driver drives very badly; I’m sure it’s a woman. Fake! Men and women have the same capabilities.

– Men do not cry. Fake! Men also have the right to express their feelings.

– Women should dedicate themselves to household chores. Fake! Housework is everyone’s responsibility.

– Men don’t know how to cook. Fake! It should not be generalized, both men and women can prepare a delicious banquet.

And you, can you think of other gender stereotypes? At this point, you will notice that these beliefs are thoughtless and it is difficult to find arguments to support them. Unfortunately, many of them still persist and, in most cases, create dominance of the male gender over the female, promoting inequality and violation of rights.

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Now, let’s move on to gender identity!

You may wonder: what is it?

– Well, it is the way each person perceives themselves and how they want to be perceived by others, regardless of the sex they were born with. You may identify as a man, woman or another option that does not correspond to those socially imposed.

Generally speaking, you will find cisgender and transgender people. Let’s see what this is about:

Cisgender: person whose gender identity corresponds to the sex assigned at birth.

Transgender: a person who does not consider themselves within the gender assigned to them at birth and who decides to construct themselves differently from what is socially established.

And since there are multiple opportunities to identify, feel, assume and behave, among transgender people some identities are:

Transsexuals: They rethink their gender and sex definitively. Generally, they are not satisfied with their body and resort to sex change surgeries.

Transformers: people who occasionally assume roles of the opposite gender. Men who have feminine behaviors, attire and styles, contrary to their own gender; women who enjoy masculine behaviors, outfits and styles.

Transvestites: They express their gender, permanently, through the use of clothing socially and culturally considered typical of the other gender.

Remember that diversity is natural and is present in all aspects of life, so it is essential to respect differences.

Let’s talk about sexual orientation

Sexual orientation refers to who we are attracted to physically and romantically. Let’s delve into the topic:

Gay: men (trans or not) who feel physically, emotionally, erotically and sexually attracted to other men who may or may not be trans.

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Lesbians: women (trans or not) who feel physically, emotionally, erotically and sexually attracted to other women who may or may not be trans.

Bisexuals: people who feel physically, emotionally, erotically and sexually attracted both to people of the same sex and/or gender and to people of the opposite sex and/or gender.

Asexuals: people who are not sexually attracted to other people. They move away from sexuality and build other types of affective, emotional and love bonds with whoever they want.

Pansexuals: people who can maintain intimate ties with any human being. They feel physically, emotionally, and emotionally attracted to other people regardless of their sex or gender identity.

Heterosexuals: people who feel physically, emotionally, erotically and sexually attracted to other people with gender identity or the opposite sex.

And you, did you know all these sexual orientations?

Remember that we all have the right to express our expressions of affection in public, regardless of our sexual orientation. If you have any questions, call us or write to our WhatsApp line. You will contact experts on the subject!