What is maternal wound and how does it manifest?

This wound generates a series of consequences in the women who present it. Here we give you more details.

The maternal wound refers to the defense mechanisms that women learn to deal with the pain of women in their generational lines. That is, conditioning, ideas, beliefs, behaviors, among other characteristics.

What hurts?

  1. The comparison: never feeling enough.
  2. The shame: the constant feeling that something is wrong with herself.
  3. Minimizing: feeling like you have to make yourself small to be loved.
  4. The blame: constantly feeling guilty for wanting more than what your mother, grandmother, great-grandmother had.

What does it look like in adult life?

  • The person does not behave like himself in his entirety, so as not to hurt others.
  • He has a high tolerance for abusive treatment from others.
  • Take emotional care of others.
  • Compulsively competes against other women.
  • It self-sabotages.
  • She is very rigid and dominant.
  • Presents eating disorders, depression and addictions.

What is the consequence of not being aware and working on the mother’s wound?

  • Vague and persistent feeling of “there is something wrong with me.”
  • Not living your potential for fear of failure or disapproval.
  • Having weak boundaries and a confused sense of who you are.
  • Not feeling capable or worthy of creating that life you long for.
  • Not feeling safe to take your space and speak your truth.
  • Adjust your life so as not to “make waves.”
  • Self-sabotage yourself when you get closer to the desired result.
  • Living, unconsciously, waiting for mom’s permission or approval to claim your own life.
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