Eleven things that are seen on social networks and reveal low self-esteem

Social networks are a tool that allows us to stay connected and communicated with the world. In people with low self-esteem they can be used to supplement and seek reaffirmation, through the appreciation of others and the feeling of belonging.

These 11 features, highlighted by experts from reveal low self-esteem, usually through exaggerated attention seeking.

Keep in mind that we are referring to low self-esteem when it is a habitual behavior pattern: It is not enough to have ever done any of these things (mostly quite common) to be able to think about a negative self-perception. And in any case we would be dealing with evidence and not irrefutable evidence.

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  1. Make or respond to comments such as: “Like and I’ll write to you.” Those who do them look for a positive reaction to their own activity from others.
  2. Autocomments and ‘autolikes’. Although there may be different types of attitudes behind it, one of the most common is self-motivation and the attempt to promote one’s own self-esteem.
  3. Share everything. One of the things that betrays low self-esteem is the publication of all the details of life, even insignificant aspects.
  4. Publish compulsively. People who keep posting things over and over again several times a day may be indicating that they have an altered emotional state and low self-esteem that they try to temporarily replace with the attention of others.
  5. Comment everything. The other side of the coin. The same can be said for trying to force interaction with others by commenting on every possible post.
  6. Provoke discussions. The person who feels ignored and in need of approval may try to resort to these types of tactics to get others to support or criticize them in search of attention that can be conceived as convening power.
  7. Use of hints in the form of publications, songs. Innuendos are often used to force an interaction with the person to whom they are directed, or to arouse interest in the person in question or what they have been able to do. They do not necessarily have to be used in a negative sense, but can also refer to positive aspects.
  8. Accept anyone as a friend. Insecure people with low self-esteem tend to see their self-perception reinforced if they have a high number of friends. There is usually a certain collection of friends and they tend to accept a large number of strangers because of the visibility that this entails.
  9. Post ‘selfies’ constantly. They tend to publish themselves with the intention of feeling admired (this is common in both sexes) and receiving approving comments that corroborate what they need to feel and externally reinforce their own esteem.
  10. Use of ‘Quiz’ type applications. It may be pure curiosity and entertainment, but it may be indicative that you are seeking to draw attention to yourself (if the questionnaires are created in relation to yourself) or that you are seeking to increase self-concept and self-esteem through mastery. of different themes.
  11. Trying to reflect a life that is not true. Statistically, most people try to present their best image on social media. It is normal, but in some cases it can lead people with low self-esteem to create a fictitious life that they do not really have, falsifying details and even images and videos.
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