MOUTH, emotional conflicts that affect you and how to consciously heal them

It is the cavity of the face that communicates with the digestive system and with the respiratory tract.

The mouth is an organ of incorporation, “catch the piece”, “remove the bread from the mouth” and opening.

It allows us to savor before swallowing or rejecting, eating, feeding ourselves and also expressing ourselves.

Through it the body receives the substances it needs to function: food, water, air, etc.

And through it comes something that makes communication with others possible: the voice. Through it we can express our thoughts and feelings to the outside.

With our mouth we can kiss or spit on each other, give words of encouragement or sow discord, be soft as a stream or hard as thunder.

Thus, it is a two-way street and the problems in this area will express one aspect or another.

A resistance to what we take, to the unpleasant experiences in life that “are not to our liking” and that “leave a bitter taste in our mouths.”

Or a conflict with our expression and ability to say what we want (conflict of hearing an insult and not being able to respond).

Mouth conditions reveal irritation, either because of what we eat that does not allow us to savor life or because of the way we express ourselves and it can mean anger towards others as well as towards oneself.

Devaluation in relation to the word, to the expression.

Devaluation because we do not feel heard and it is very important to express ourselves.

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I can’t express a bite. For example, when we are forced to listen to an unpleasant comment and we have not been able to respond.

Stomatitis (oral inflammation): means unexpressed anger, anger. We do not allow ourselves to express our aggressiveness.

The bites that we make inside the mouth or on the tongue indicate that what they propose to us or what we say does not satisfy us.

They also show that we are holding ourselves back from expressing something that we prefer to hide.

Or, that we feel guilty for having said something and, in this way, we are reproaching ourselves.

Crooked mouth: The imbalance in the mouth when speaking indicates an imbalance in the ideas that are expressed.

Dry mouth: Trying to avoid swallowing something that forces us to swallow. Lack of security when expressing ourselves.

: They cover the base of the teeth and give us contact and sensitivity with the bite.

Conflict: Separation of the bite, which we already touched on. Understood as “bite” or as “words”.

Very large devaluation for the unsaid word or for not achieving what is desired with what is said.

Conflict with decisions made that were not well received.

Gingivitis or inflammation of the gums: Conflict to catch or retain the bite and conflict to express the bite.

Conflict with unspoken words and unspoken desires. It happens when someone “crosses our borders” and we are not able to respond (because we do not have permission, capacity or strength…).

For example: someone insults us in a nasty way and we cannot respond. “Unspoken words.”

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“My word does not measure up.”

Also the opposite conflict: When we say something important and that does not manage to cross the borders of the other:

I said something and the other didn’t understand anything.

“Unspoken wishes”.

“I can not express”.

“If only I had said so.”

Conflict with decisions made that were not well received.

Ulceration of the gums: “If I speak, something else is understood. I say so, they don’t believe me! They call me a liar!

Periodontitis: Inflammation of the periodontium, gum area.

An inflammation implies anger and rage for the piece that I did not finish catching.

Conflict of not being able to bite.

Powerlessness conflict to catch the piece in the form of a decision. Fear and powerlessness to make decisions.

Conflict: Bit with connotation of decision.

“I had a decision and in the end I have not followed it or I have not been able to follow it.”

: Conflict of catching a bite and devaluation regarding the word: We cannot express ourselves, or we cannot be valued (emotional food).

Piece conflict: We do not allow ourselves to express our aggressiveness, or we do not manage to feed ourselves.

Always lived in an environment of constant and long-lasting resentment.

“I can’t catch a bite”

“I can’t express (drop) a bite.”

As “bite” we understand from real or emotional food to words or affectionate contact.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link:

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