Back pains

Definition: Pain in general that affects the back.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of devaluation or powerlessness and burden.

Biological sense: Pain is an alarm signal from the nervous system that something is wrong with the back. The back is related to the loads we carry and with staying upright. We must specify the origin of the pain as much as possible to specify the meaning.

Conflict: Conflict of devaluation or impotence due to a load in relation to the affected area of ​​the back. They are usually people who carry too many things (symbolic) “I carry everything”.

Laterals (shoulders): Loads that are too heavy and long lasting with respect to the family.


Definition: Non-specific general pains, located in the back of the body

human that goes from the base of the neck and shoulders to the coccyx.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of devaluation. Conflicts of burden, guilt, betrayal or scarcity.

Biological sense: The back represents my support, the support of life. Where do I carry the loads?

Also conflicts that remain behind or in the past.

Conflict: Guidance conflicts in specific pains. In case of involvement of the spine, see the affected vertebrae.

Upper back: Affective conflict.

It is also a charge conflict, but related to something emotional and to communications.

Mid back: Conflict of guilt and betrayal.

Fear of what is behind.

Large family burdens.

Being the pillar of the family.

Lower back: Scarcity, shortage, lack. Money conflict.

Fear of not having enough (in whatever sense).

Also relationships with others (ascendants, collaterals, partner, sex…).

Carry the weight of everything.

If I leave everything sinks.

My core personality.



Definition: Exaggerated curvature of the spine at the lumbar level.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of devaluation with respect to the father.

Biological sense: See biological sense of kyphosis.

Conflict: devaluation. I need recognition from my father (real or symbolic). absent father.


Definition: Breakage of the bone of one of the vertebrae of the spinal column.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage.

vagotonia: Repair phase of a structural devaluation conflict.

Biological sense: The column is the structural pillar.

Each vertebra has its meaning (see in VERTEBRAS).

A fracture is a strong loss of value that prevents the continuity of the functionality of that structure while it is repaired with a weld that will be more resistant than before.

Conflict: Structural devaluation. Accumulation of fouls against oneself in reference

to the conflict of the vertebra in question. Thoughts too straight and strict that my

unconscious and my biology has not supported. It’s structural.




Definition: Type of kyphosis that presents the back bent forward and rigid. Keep your head looking down.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of devaluation. Mother and obligations.

Biological sense: See biological sense of kyphosis. /

Conflict: Conflict of great devaluation for not being able to carry family responsibilities. In relation to the mother and family obligations. They are people who carry the weight of the family.

I am forced to watch my mother”.

“They force me to take care of my mother

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


BACK (in general)

The back represents the sustenance and life support. It is the place that It protects me if I feel powerless in front of a person or a situation (I give the back) in case of need. If my weight is excessive, if I lack “support” or if I don’t feel sufficiently “supported” (affectively, financially, etc.), my back will react accordingly and certain pains (soreness) may manifest.

I can have a broad back and be able to receive or bow humbly, bow out of respect or acceptance.

The reason does not matter, a back pain indicates that I want to save myself from something by placing it behind me, because it is with my back that I forget the experiences that caused me confusion or pain.

I put everything I don’t want to see or let others see, thus playing ostrich. I am deeply hurt, currently unable to express these blocked emotions. I refuse to see what suits me! I agree to release now the energies retained in the places that hurt me!

A flexible but strong back indicates a certain mental flexibility and a great mental openness contrary to the dorsal rigidity that means pride, power and refusal to give in. Sitting very comfortably, I can have the feeling of being protected, in complete safety. However, even when my back serves to support these undesirable things and play “ostrich”, I agree to see what bothers me and express it. Acting in this way, I free myself from the weight I was carrying.

The position adopted gives indications about what I live and about my way of compromising with the situations of my life: if I am in reaction to authority, if I want to be right in front of someone or something, I will “tighten the back” out of pride. If, on the contrary, I live submission, if I am afraid, if I feel weak, I am going to “curve the back” and the bigger my worries, the more “it will hurt my back”. Certain people integrate the difficulties of life more in writing, dialogue or speech. exchange. I choose the medium that best suits me and I let life flow in me to learn to express myself more and assert myself when I need it.


I accept that life supports me at every moment and I “raise my shoulders”, knowing that I have the necessary strength to carry out all my projects.

BACK (pains from…) – CENTRAL PART OF THE BACK (12 dorsal vertebrae)


Frequently confused with the kidneys and commonly associated with pain of kidneys, this area is located between the waist and the tailbone. It is a part of system of sustenance.

Pains in this region manifest the presence of material insecurities (work, money, goods) and affective. “I’m afraid of lack…!” “I’ll never get it!”, “I’ll never get this done!” they express well the inner feelings lived. I’m so concerned for everything material I feel sadness because there is a void and this void hurts me. I can even base my personal worth on the number of material goods I own.

I live a great duality, because I want to have both “quality” and “quantity”, both in terms of interpersonal relationships and what I have. I have a tendency to take too many things on my shoulders and I have a tendency to disperse my energies. I try to do everything to be loved and entertain myself with the opinion that others have of me. It can also be a concern in front of one or other people.

I am worried about them and perhaps I have a tendency to “take other people’s problems on my back” and want to save them. My impotence Faced with certain situations in my life, it makes me bitter and I refuse to submit, but I am afraid. This feeling of impotence that can take me to rebellionyou will lead me to a “lumbago” or a “waist pain”.

I don’t feel supported in my base needs and my affective needs. I have difficulty coping with changes and novelty that are presented to me because I I like to feel safe in my routine and my old habits. This reveals frequently that I am inflexible and rigid and who would like to be supported by me mode. If I accept that others can help me in their own way, I will discover and become aware that I have the support I need. so i I become more autonomous and responsible.

If it’s a lumbar disc impingement, I probably put too much pressure on myself – myself to do things so that they love me. Since a period of rest is necessary, I take the opportunity to look at what is happening in my life and redefine my priorities. To the not feel supportedI become rigid (stiff) did the others.

Do I tend to blame others for my difficulties?

Do I take the time to express my needs?

See also  Biodecoding of diabetes

I accept that my only support comes from myself. Getting back in touch with my inner being, I establish a balance in my needs and gather all the forces of the universe that are in me.

These forces give me confidence in myself and in life because I know that they bring me everything I need: physical, emotional, spiritual. I am sustained at all times!

See the meaning of the Lumbar

The lower back it is also part of the downtown system of the motion. If I have difficulty in compromise with society, both from the point of view of the orientations to be taken as the support that I expect from she, i can live frustration either resentment. I do not want to “dealer” with certain people or certain situations. my personal relationships with my environment suffer of it. I may also have difficulty accepting that I am going adding years. “I am getting old” and I must slowly tame the notion of mortality. Finally, the lower back it is very closely linked to the two lower energy centers, the coccyx and the second energy center that is linked more specifically to the sexuality. If I live internal or external conflicts towards it, if I have repressed my sexual energy, a Back pain.

The 4 sacred vertebrae and the 5 vertebrae of the coccyx are related to this region. When the sacred vertebrae are affected, I can have the feeling that I have no spine and that I need another person to hold me I am constantly “tested” by life to see what my level of integrity and honesty. I have enormous potential but am I Ready to make the necessary efforts to meet my goals? The lower vertebrae are:

S1, S2, S3 = Since the first 3 sacred vertebrae they are welded together, they will be dealt with together. They constitute a whole. They react with the rigidity that manifest, with my narrow-mindedness in relation to certain situations or certain people, to my closed mind that refuses to hear what others have to say.

I want to be in control so I feel strong and secure, and if I lose it, I go to be angry, furious and I may feel like “beating up” someone for being so frustrated and full of bitterness. all these feelings generally have their origin in my affective relationships that do not always go as I wish. Communication, both verbal and sexual, is deficient, for not to say non-existent, and I am constantly bringing this issue up again.

I have the sensation of having to swim against the current and I feel in a dead end. I am interested in stopping for a moment and seeing clearly in my life, to reflect on what I want and build a solid foundation.

S4, S5 = All wishes…