Definition: Digestive organ located under the diaphragm below the esophagus with which it is connected by the cardia. There the food is transformed into a porridge that will circulate through the intestines. It is divided into the minor curve (top) and the major curve (bottom). The two parties respond differently to conflicts as they are formed at different embryonic stages.

Technical: 1st and 4th Embryonic Stage. Conflict of lack of piece or of digesting the piece.

Biological sense: The biological sense of the digestive system is the digestion of the “piece”. And it is related to the family. The stomach responds to the concept of “acceptance” of the piece. See the biological senses and specific conflicts of: STOMACH, GREATER CURVE and STOMACH, LESSER CURVE.

Conflict: Conflict digest piece. Or lack of piece. indigestible discomfort in the territory.

Inability to digest something new that appears in our life (fear of the new).

  • “I am always eating the unpleasant situations of my family
  • I want to avoid something that is imposed on me«.
  • «I can not digest the piece that is imposed on me«.

Conflict of being misunderstood (they don’t digest me).

Find a dirty story in the person’s history


Definition: The lower part of the stomach. In conflict it produces a tumor.

Technical: 1st Embryonic Stage. Conflict of lack of piece or of digesting the piece.

Family contradiction.

sympathicotony: In the phase of active conflict, a adenocarcinoma.

vagotonia: In the conflict repair phase, the tumor is degraded by tuberculosis bacteria. Vomiting appears sometimes with blood, fever and night sweats. Yeah the tumor can not degrade is encysted.

Biological sense: Within the concept of digestive Survival, the biological meaning is that of produce more gastric juices to break down and digest the piece

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Conflict: Conflict of lack of piece and conflict of indigestion (recent upset in the extended clan): anger, anger and indigestible rage towards a person or situation. For example when one does not get part of it from an inheritance, pension or investment.

Conflict of digesting the piece: I have taken the piece, I have swallowed it, but I cannot digest it.

Food conflict in the family framework, problems, irritations, archaic fear of starvation.

Conflicts of lack together with one of indigestion: «I don’t have what I want and I have what I don’t wanna«.

STOMACH, Lesser curve.

Definition: Upper part of the stomach. In conflict it festers.

Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage.

Contrariety conflict in the territory. Forced relationship.

sympathicotony: In the active conflict phase there is ulceration of the epithelium with the appearance of gastric or duodenal ulcers.

vagotonia: In the conflict repair phase, the tissue (virus) regenerates, causing diarrhea. In the epileptoid seizure there are many vomiting and fever, and the typical symptoms of gastric infection with bleeding from the ulcers. there may be a strong intestinal colic.

Biological sense: Here the ulcers are produced as it is an ectodermal tissue (4th stage). The The difference is that this tissue defines the digestive “territory”. I ulcerate the territory to make more space, so I can digest this “truly indigestible family situation.” It is something lived in masculine (relay in the right hemisphere). Lived in female would affect the vagina.

Conflict: conflict of annoyance in the territory (without rancor if there is no affectation of the roads bile)

Conflict related to people or situations with which we must rub shoulders by obligation

Example: feeling obligated to support the couple’s family.

Fight for the borders of the territory with the “bosses of the surrounding territory”. It also affects the content of the territory (eg unfaithful couple “goes with another” or with a change of attitude).

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For lefties: Conflict of identity in the territory.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)

STOMACH (in general)

He stomach receives food and digests it to fill the different needs of my body in vitamins, proteins, etc. I feed my brain in the same way for the situations and events of my life. Each stomach it has its own function. As much as the general form is the itself, digestion can be different from one person to another. So the shape of my stomach is related to my personality.

My stomach reflects the way in which I absorb and integrate my reality and my ability to digest new ideas or new situations.

It can be compared to a barometer indicating my degree of openness and my way of reacting in life.

The problems of stomach appear when my daily reality is in conflict with my desires and my needs. These conflicts become habitually find at the level of my family relationships, friends or at the level of my working relationships.

STOMACH (pains/burning)

I know the work done by me stomach and I know what it represents my way of digesting, absorbing and integrating events and situations of my life. The spurts in it stomach are often linked to a need for love, for “emotional food” and food.

Food represents affection, security, reward and survival.

If I experience any void in my life, I will want to fill it with food, particularly in moments of separation, death, loss or shortage of money.

Food can also artificially help me “free” myself from tensions material or financial I feel like a lack essential for me survival.

The fermentationFor its part, it comes from the fact that I don’t want to face certain emotions that I experience in relation to people or situations. I put these emotions aside, but they are always present, they accumulate, “ferment”, under the effect of my “acid” attitude. I constantly ruminate on certain situations that I experienced and that I “do not digest”. Therefore I have a tendency to “ruminate” past situations and live the same attitudes and the same negative emotions. So these stay with me stomach. Is very difficult for me stomach digest unlived emotions.

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Being my reality in conflict with my dreams and my needs, this leads me to live various emotions. No express my disappointments, I’m irritated. The gonna and the aggressiveness they roar in me, but I repress them. That’s it!

The sore and the heartburn they’re here. I have big fearsmy digestion becomes laborious because my stomach is nervous and fragile.

What is the situation of my life “that I do not digest”?

I live with great restlessness, especially due to my weak confidence in myself, which makes it difficult to accept my emotions.

The stomach aches will occur when I live a setback in the field of my personal finances or my professional life.

Certain situations are so disgusting and disgusting that my stomach refuses to digest them.

I react to my reality in a negative and “acid” way and I suffer from indigestion and nausea. Digestion is very slow if the stomach is tense and rigid, avoiding what changes occur in my life.

I become aware that I must reveal more openness in life and I accept that situations and events are here to make me grow.

Acceptance allows you to transform them into experiences and the pressure or tension disappears.

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