Definition: Abortion is considered to be the termination and premature interruption of pregnancy before of day 180.

Technical: 1st Embryonic Stage. Conflict of fear of dying.

Biological sense: An abortion is an unconscious survival decision).

It is not possible to continue with the idea of ​​having the baby because that would threaten our own life, the baby’s life or both.

Conflict: Fear of dying (mother or baby).

Fear that the child will fatally alter my future.

Fear of not being a good mother or that the child may suffer serious problems in his life or development.

Search in the transgenerational for possible abortions, deaths of children or stages of difficulty in their survival. Also possible deaths or great difficulties of the mother in a pregnancy or Birth.

Mourning after an abortion: After an abortion we must grieve for the being that has left, either by relaxation and visualization, with NLP or simply by writing a letter to that soul that never came to us with the following sections:

1. Give it a name.

2. Ask for his forgiveness, forgive his departure and forgive us and our ancestors who They have been through similar situations.

3. Ask him if he needs any more work (pay attention to the sensations).

4. Say goodbye and let go, let go.

5. Thank you for the experience on our behalf and that of our ancestors.

6. We can include a drawing or what we associate with the baby.


7. Finally we deliver that letter to the earth (buried), the air (released with a balloon), the water (sea or a river), or fire (burned), and finally, we thank again.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó


He miscarriage is a pregnancy arrest before day 180 (6.5 months approximately) of gestation. In general, it will be discussed abortion in the case of voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVE) When the abortion is spontaneous, that is, when it comes to the unprovoked loss of the fetus, then we will talk about spontaneous abortion. when i have a abortion spontaneousI wonder to know who wanted a child, me or my spouse.

Unconsciously, I am afraid that the child to be born will change my life as a couple, my work, my habits. I fear that I do not have the necessary qualities to be a good mother and this can go back to moments in my own childhood.

It may also be that the soul that was to incarnate has changed its idea. So I must remain open at the heart level and put into motion the necessary energies to resolve this “immature” situation; but, the

Future pregnancies run the risk of being complex and incomplete. Love, responsibility and mutual respect of the spouses (if applicable) are the essential feelings that must be expressed if I want my child to reach term.

The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel.


The loss of an unborn baby is considered an abortion.

In biodecoding, it doesn’t matter if an abortion is provoked or accidental.


The mere fact that the product is not achieved, whatever the circumstances, indicates an unconscious command “not to have children.”

What emotional conflict am I experiencing?:

There is no conscious emotional conflict as such.

There is no bioshock of mine that causes my abortion, it is a transgenerational order that I must find. If I, as a woman, do not manage to complete my pregnancies, voluntarily or involuntarily, whether it is one or several, it means that given my family history and my family tree, I was born unable to have children. Another important factor to analyze under biodecoding is the fact that I can be in “incest” with my partner. I can be his double, double of his brothers or of either of his parents. And vice versa, my partner can be my double, double of my brothers or double of either of my parents.

What is the hidden biological emotion?


Fear of the future.

Untimely programming. Procreate kills.

If I have a child, I die

In my family or my partner’s, having children has not been satisfying.

There have been children resulting from rape, abandoned pregnant women, lonely single mothers, rapist or abandoning men, incest, deaths in childbirth.

For the family unconscious it is a danger to “have children” and I am born with the order not to have them.

How do I release that biological emotion?:

I must be aware that if I want to have children, I am perfectly capable of doing so by freeing myself from family histories or from real or symbolic incest through mourning.

The universe allows me to be a mother.


I love and approve of my life and my decisions.

I am capable of being a good mother.

Everything around me is positive.

Everything’s fine.

Akasha Comprehensive Healing

Meditation to grieve abortion (Yolanda S. Jiménez)

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