Cold Feet Emotional Meaning & Biodecoding

Your feet are the foundation of your being, a means to connect with the earth, and an expression of your strength and mobility.

They are like the roots of a sacred tree, which extend towards the center of the earth in search of roots, a tool to maintain your balance, and a means to connect with the divine essence.

Your feet are a symphony of movement and presence, an expression of your power and wisdom, a tool to explore and discover, and a means to manifest your presence in the world.

They are a reminder of your ability to walk your path, and of your power to find your direction in life.

Your feet are the expression of your authenticity, a tool to follow your , and a way to manifest your purpose.

▸ The feet represent your path, your contact with the earth and with food energy.

The state of your feet is closely linked to your relationships with your mother, as well as those you have with her (which can go back to the moment of your conception, and which transcend physical death).

Your feet give you stability in your movements towards an objective, a desire or a direction. They help you feel secure in your relationship with the universe. They represent the position you take in the face of situations that are presented to you.

Having one foot stronger than the other shows a tendency to privilege rationality or the intuitive in your movements or physical, mental or spiritual contacts.

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If your feet are turned outwards, you may experience some confusion regarding the direction taken or have your energy completely dispersed in too many different projects.

If your feet are turned inwards, you live ‘a closure’ or a resistance against the direction that your life is going to take.

You are the command center of your feet. Reflexology confirms that your entire body has a reflection on the surface of your feet. Therefore, your foot problems allow you to also know what is speaking to you.

A problem related to your feet tells you a difference between the direction and the movement you take, and manifests your need for more stability and security. The future and all its unforeseen events can generate a lot if you don’t have ‘feet on Earth’.

When your feet hurt, you should slow down. Is it due to boredom or discouragement in the face of a large number of responsibilities or pending tasks? Or, on the contrary, your body is telling you that you should slow down; It is important that you listen to these warning signs before something or a negative consequence occurs.

One on the left foot or on the right foot indicates at what level or in what direction the doubt, rejection or fear is situated.

You may sense that you will have to take a position in a given situation and you are afraid of ‘losing your footing’.

A flat foot indicates a very straight, rigid, and therefore not very flexible structure. Since there is no space between your entire foot and the ground, this shows that your personal boundaries are poorly drawn.


If you feel vulnerable, you will tend to maintain a superficial attitude instead of creating a deeper contact, whether in an affective relationship, as in a job, or in any other field.

A high arch reveals that you have a very heavy movement and a very loaded spine.

Do you usually stay apart @ and silent @? You have difficulty initiating communication and anticipating others.

Swollen feet reflect a brake on your emotions in the direction you have to take.

The excess of these emotions will be released by perspiration.

Cold feet reflect the state of your relationships with your mother.

Could your relationship with her be ‘cold’ and distant?

In the feet we also find a correlation with the main seven.

You should know that the more you love your feet and the more you accept them, the easier it will be for them to carry your whole being on the path of life.

If you can locate a precise point on your foot that concerns you, you can also .

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