12 questions to detect child sexual abuse

Talking about sexual education and sexual abuse is not easy, even more so in some cultures in which various taboos remain in force on these topics. However, talking about sexual education is necessary because it allows us to provide protection tools to children and adolescents to prevent abuse. Likewise, if a sexual assault has already taken place, carry out a test to detect child abuse allows us to stop this scourge.

To have this type of conversation about sexuality with children It is important to keep the following recommendations in mind:

  • Do it from an early age.
  • Call the parts of the body by name.
  • Tell the child that there are parts of the body that no one should touch.
  • Make it clear to the child that they can always say NO.
  • Avoid laughing at the child’s questions.
  • Avoid appearing embarrassed in front of the topics discussed.
  • If you don’t know something, do your research.
  • If you are not able to talk to your children, seek help.

Many victims of sexual abuse fall into the manipulation of their perpetrators because they do not have knowledge about sexual education and, therefore, they lack tools to protect themselves of this type of aggression. As uncomfortable as these conversations may seem, they are necessary to stop sexual offenders who hide behind the silence of their victims and their families.

12 questions to detect child abuse

Most victims of sexual abuse remain silent about what they are suffering; However, many of them start to show warning signs such as changes in their behaviors and conduct, changes in their eating and resting habits, sexualized behavior, isolation, among others.

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If you suspect that a child in your immediate environment is being a victim of sexual abuse, do not hesitate to ask him directly. Pay attention to the following questions that can be very useful to detect a possible case of sexual abuse and protect children and adolescents.

  • Do you have a problem that makes you feel bad?
  • Could you tell me what happened?
  • Has someone touched you in a way that made you feel uncomfortable or that you didn’t like?
  • Who is that person?
  • How it started? What happened after?
  • What part of his body did he touch yours with (hands, mouth, penis)?
  • Where did he put his hands, fingers, mouth, penis?
  • Did he use something else to touch your body?
  • Did you have clothes on?
  • (He/she) Did he/she have clothes on?
  • Did he show you books, photos, magazines, drawings?
  • What did he tell you he was doing with you?*

Additionally, It is essential that the child is clear that he can trust the person who is asking him the questions and that they will believe everything he says. If there is disbelief in what the minor says or they are blamed for something that happened, it is very likely that they will prefer to remain silent.

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Your support is decisive

In it # Movement We know that the first step to healing the wounds of sexual abuse is breaking the silence. While it is not advisable to pressure a survivor of sexual abuse to share their story without being ready to do so, if you have suspicions, you can help them talk to that person who may not know how to externalize what happened to them and what they are experiencing. feeling.

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Don’t forget that The support that a survivor of sexual abuse receives is decisive for them to overcome this painful experience.. On our website you can find valuable tools to provide support to those people around you who are suffering in silence. and.

*Source: https://www.binasss.sa.cr/revistas/ts/v23n541998/art3.pdf