The 5 most frequent myths about sexuality

The sexuality It constitutes an important part of human life, but for various reasons, it has been associated with negative things and, therefore, not only do we tend to judge many attitudes and decisions related to it, but we also permanently avoid talking about it. the topic.

There are so many taboos, false beliefs and discomfort generated by talking about sexuality that, both within families and in society in general, there is great ignorance. And although one might think that this does not have great significance, The lack of access to comprehensive sexual education leads to more people becoming victims of sexual abuse. A crime that annually can put 325,000 children in the world at risk of sexual violence.

Likewise, the lack of knowledge about sexuality can lead to neglecting sexual and reproductive health, not assuming the corresponding responsibilities and getting involved in sexual activities that can affect people’s lives in a negative way.

5 myths about sexuality that are important to dismantle

Something that can become More harmful than ignorance about sexuality is perpetuating myths or wrong beliefs. that they have instilled in us. He knows some common myths that can have a negative impact.

Sexuality is something natural and it is not necessary to talk about it

Although sexuality is part of the nature of the human being, it is necessary to talk about it from an early age and be clear about various concepts in order to have preventive tools against sexual violence.

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Is there an appropriate age to lose your virginity?

Virginity is a social and cultural concept that can have various meanings, but primarily it refers to a physical state that is lost when having sexual relations for the first time. This concept is associated with the erroneous belief that sexual relations only occur when there is penetration, and there is no determining age to start a person’s sexual life.

Men feel more sexual desire than women

It is common to think that men are always ready to have sexual contact. However, sexual desire varies from one person to another, since all people have testosterone and estrogen in variable proportions. Furthermore, this false belief is associated with what has been thought for years about gender roles: that men are always ready for sex and “by their nature” it is normal for them to have a tendency to be more promiscuous, while that it is frowned upon for women to display these behaviors.

When you use a condom you don’t feel pleasure

The condom or condom is, perhaps, the more effective to avoid getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or an unwanted pregnancy. Furthermore, the sensation of pleasure experienced does not depend on its use. Deliberately deciding not to use it is more related to a lack of responsibility regarding sexual and reproductive health, as it puts the person and their partner at risk.

Masturbating is harmful to your health

Although it is a practice that has been stigmatized for a long time, knowing and exploring the body is something natural in human beings, and it is an activity that allows anyone to better understand their own body and enjoy sexuality. When masturbation occurs in people who have a partner, it is not true that it is a sign of infidelity or dissatisfaction.

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There are countless myths around sexuality, therefore, it is important to promote comprehensive sexual education for to be able to have prevention tools and establish more responsible, healthy and pleasant sexual relationships.

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Don’t forget that consent is essential

In addition to being clear about the different concepts related to sexuality, it is important to be clear that sexual activity should only occur if the people involved express a free, clear, informed and reversible. Otherwise, sexual contact becomes a crime.

In it # Movement We promote comprehensive sexual education as the most effective tool to protect yourself from sexual abuse. On our official website you can find valuable tools to educate yourself and live your sexuality healthily and responsiblyas well as to identify and prevent sexual abuse. and.