Why I don’t feel like doing anything except sleeping – Causes and solutions

“I don’t feel like doing anything”, “I just want to sleep”, “I don’t feel like leaving the house”… If you frequently repeat or have these expressions in mind, pay attention to this article in which we are going to explain why. What is happening to you and what could be happening to you.

Extreme and prolonged apathy combined with the act of just wanting to sleep or find the ideal refuge in bed to escape from everything, in most cases, is an indication of suffering from a depressive disorder. Continue reading this Psychology-Online article to find out if this is happening to you and to find the answer to the question of Why don’t I feel like doing anything just sleeping.

Why do I feel sad and don’t want to do anything? There are many patients who suffer from major depression who say they do not want to get out of bed to do anything and, on the contrary, they just want to sleep and spend the day like that. The state of apathy, lack of will or initiative to do any activity (abulia) and excessive sleep during the day (hypersomnia) presented together constitute, in most cases, a clear indication of suffering from a depressive disorder.

In these depressive states, the person can wake up with energy in the morning but as the day progresses they run out of it and have a hard time getting to the end of the day, have difficulty thinking/concentrating at work or do not have a clear mind. to perform the tasks you have to do daily.

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To combat these situations, the formula of by Vitae contains NADH, Coenzyme Q10, Serine, Magnesium and Vitamin C (nutrients that are usually low in cases of stress and anxiety) and that act in synergy, helping improve concentration, memory, mental agility, moodas well as physical reinforcement and stress.

It is true that each individual is different and that depression can affect each person differently, however, there are a series of common and frequent depressive symptoms. The one we talked about in this article “the desire to do nothing, just sleep” is one of them.

Relationship between avolition and depression

It can be defined as an extreme state of apathy in which there is a significant lack of motivation and vital energy to carry out any activity. Its main symptoms are the following:

  • Lack of self-motivation and energy to do any activity that previously generated pleasure or interact with other people.
  • Passivity.
  • Delayed emotional response.
  • Decreased spontaneity.
  • Difficulty making decisions, focusing on goals and meeting them.

The feeling of “I don’t feel like doing anything” can be a symptom of multiple mental disorders and one of the most frequently observed is major depression, in which the person is not only very sad, but also presents an important lack of initiative to perform any action, in addition to a great inability to be happy or carry out activities that give pleasure, which is known as .

Relationship between hypersomnia and depression

Hypersomnia refers to excessive sleepiness even having slept for about 7 hours straight. This excess sleeping during the day and wanting to continue sleeping can be a consequence of depression for different reasons. On the one hand, depressive disorders can bring nightmares, insomnia, continuous night awakenings, poor rest, etc.

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Subsequently, this can lead to a fatigue and daytime sleepiness considerable. For this reason, complaints about fatigue are also common in patients with depression, such as, for example, why am I so tired and not wanting to do anything?

On the other hand, there are patients with depression who find in their bedroom and in the act of sleeping a refuge to stop thinking about what affects them emotionally and get rid of the deep sadness, anguish and other depressive symptoms they experience. Therefore, the fact of just wanting to sleep, wanting to be in bed and not feeling like getting up can be an indication of depression.

Major depression is a mood disorder in which the affected person has one or more depressive episodes with a minimum duration of 2 weeks. Next, we are going to detail the symptoms that may indicate that a person suffers from major depression and, therefore, should put themselves in the hands of professional psychologists and psychiatrists.

According to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), to diagnose major depression, the person must manifest at least 5 or more of the symptoms which we list below for a minimum period of 2 weeks:

  • Depressed mood most of the day and almost daily.
  • Apathy or lack of interest in carrying out actions and activities that were previously pleasant and rewarding.
  • Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or hypersomnia.
  • Weight gain or loss.
  • Low selfsteem.
  • Difficulties concentrating.
  • Difficulties making decisions.
  • Feel guilty.
  • Have suicidal thoughts.
  • Fatigue, tiredness and lack of energy.
  • Psychomotor delay or agitation.
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In the following Psychology-Online article, we give you the possibility of making a diagnosis, although if you present some of the symptoms mentioned above, it is advisable that you go to your doctor or a professional psychologist so that they can evaluate your case and make a safe and secure diagnosis. accurate.

In the case of a diagnosis of major depression, the start of treatment will be required, which, in most cases, combines psychotherapy with the taking of psychotropic drugs, although this will vary depending on the severity of the symptoms. You can see more details in the article.