Why do I find it so difficult to express my feelings?



Thank you! I’m trying to improve but I’m still the same, I don’t know how to do it but I hope I’m trying hard to be able to express my feelings to the people I love, thank you very much. 😸



This page helps me a lot. It would be nice if the articles ended with reading recommendations such as self-help books or Ted Talk videos on each topic. Thank you



I am 19 years old and the truth is I feel identified with all those problems, but especially with shyness and bad experiences, since I have not been able to confide anything to anyone because of my bad experiences that I have had, it is difficult for me to express my problems and feelings too much towards Other people, especially girls that I am attracted to or people that I would like to have as friends, often tell me to talk to someone, family or a specialist, but I can’t, I feel enormous shame towards myself and I can’t express myself, alone I know that this is a worrying problem, since at my age I should be able to socialize better and empathize with others but I can’t achieve it, I would like to be able to get out of this problem that is making me fall into a hole that has no bottom. I hope I can find the necessary help for my problems or simply someone who understands me.



What if I have almost all the reasons. It’s not just one. I am 20 years old. I have always been quite shy and insecure about myself, I always keep my feelings to myself because I don’t want to bother others since the rest have a lot of problems and giving them more makes me feel guilty. Over the years I have gotten used to never doing it, it became a habit. I have created an image of myself where I am cold and strong, when I am the opposite, I am very sensitive inside. I am also afraid of being rejected, I had that feeling throughout my school life, I could have had many friends or even a boyfriend but I was afraid to talk to them, I was shy and insecure, I always thought that I seemed boring to them. I’m sorry, I have so many problems inside that I don’t know how to deal with them, since there are too many things that I have been through, I wish I could go to a psychologist, but where I live I don’t know if there will be any good ones, I would like to deal with a psychologist, with one very very good

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Hello, yes, exactly the same thing happens to me as you, but I’m 25 years old. Would you like to share experiences with me to free yourself?


09/22/2021 What I just read is incredible. I think the lack of habit is something that affects me a lot. In my house there are many people and there are these types of emotions like anger and annoyance. It seems very silly to me and It’s childish to get upset by things like a very loud tone of voice, or the door of a room being open. I can’t find a way to express these types of things. I haven’t done anything about it for many years, but lately I feel like I want to hit someone just for talking. out loud, etc.

Thanks for the post, it helped me a lot!



I would like to express my feelings to my partner



Hello, I’m 11 years old and I want to know how to get my mom to express her feelings and not keep them to herself because I don’t want her to end up hurt.



Hello, I am 15 years old and I recently went to a psychologist…I feel sad and I would like to know what is happening to me, however I could not explain anything to her about what I feel, what can I do?



Hello, I’m 16 years old and I’ve never been able to express my feelings towards girls.

Ana Lopez


I’m afraid to tell my boyfriend what’s bothering me, for fear that he’ll get angry.

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That thing about saying “to get angry” is in the past… we live in other times, tell him how sorry you are and if he gets angry, what does it matter! Just be brave. We live in other times.



The most important thing here is why are you afraid? How is your relationship and treatment?
I’m worried about your relationship, not for him, but for you.

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It’s hard for me to show how I am with my boyfriend, I feel like I won’t say anything nice and I’m very embarrassing when I’m with him:(

Rosalina Salazar


Because it is difficult for me to express my feelings or show them.



Every time I want to express myself, all the things they mention here happen to me, I feel like they won’t take any importance, I pretend to feel good, etc. In the end, I have kept everything I feel for my entire life and in order not to feel so bad eating, I imagine that in Actually, I did express myself and they gave me advice or something, but in the end I feel bad for going to that extreme and I end up crying.



I have tried to write in a notebook, but when I finish I get very nervous and throw away the pages. I always have two thoughts, either someone is going to read it or I’m going to feel awkward afterwards. Anyway, I have a choice and I will keep trying.



Emm, well, I do express my feelings but in the end I feel stupid and that the feelings are useless. I always regret saying them but it’s something that I can’t take back anymore and it’s inevitable to say my feelings to my friends. We have a lot of confidence, but I finish and feel stupid.



Hello, I am a very closed person and it is very difficult for me to express my feelings to my children and partner, I don’t know why sometimes I would like to express what I feel with love and affection but I block myself and I don’t do it.

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uhhh how ugly that happens to you, try to relax and express what you feel

Today Mon


There is a girl I really like and I have adapted to become better and better at feeling good about myself (which is why I think she feels the same way). However, it is difficult for me to tell her what I feel because it has always happened to me that they took it the wrong way or that they judged me for it, one of them even left with another without telling me anything and they also kissed and slept together, I had a pretty bad time . I don’t know if part of my anxiety that I feel now is due to a need and desire to tell this new woman that I want to have something with her and that I liked her a lot, but at the same time I would like to feel calm, to show it to her but calmly without feeling pressured that no other man is going to conquer her. I don’t know if I should tell him and that’s why I feel very uneasy, they have told me that I have to take risks, but although I am convinced that I want to try again, I feel very afraid and also, I don’t know if I feel that I should express it quickly.

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Something similar to me but you’ve had it. Girlfriend ever?



Why do I feel bad about myself when I try to show my feelings? It’s like I want to be able to show what I feel in a thousand possible ways, but I only end up saying things that don’t make sense and I feel bad knowing that I end up saying almost nothing, I feel like I’m completely stupid and instead of helping others it’s like there’s something wrong. answered more a wall with better arguments, criteria and so on, I even do better writing than speaking and that is something that stresses me out a lot, I don’t want to be like that.

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Cindy Edith


Exactly the same thing happens to me, I can only tell my boyfriend through messages what I feel and when we are together I block myself, I feel stupid and bad for not knowing how to talk about what I am feeling



I’m going through the same thing with different people, I’m not afraid to talk and when I want to talk to the girl I like, fear invades me and my mind is left speechless, and on the cell phone there are plenty of words and in letters, but up front it’s a different reality.

The one who doesn’t care


It’s very useful but I’m not going to do it.



It’s hard for me to get close to others and maybe it’s because I’m afraid of being rejected, but sometimes I say I’ll be more social and I’m embarrassed to speak.