+110 Phrases about a person’s regret

Regret is one of the most complex feelings because it mixes several emotions such as shame, sadness and the desire to amend a situation through a change of attitude. It is a universal feeling that reminds us of our humanity and the ability to learn and grow. Therefore, repentance is linked to the acceptance of guilt in order to remedy what happened.

However, sometimes it is difficult to find the most appropriate way to show repentance. At that time, sincere words can be very helpful. In this Psychology-Online article, we bring you the best phrases about a person’s regret. These are inspiring reflections that explore this complex feeling and invite us to investigate our decisions and their impact.

Famous phrases about repentance

Throughout history, many authors have left inspiring thoughts about repentance through their works. Even biblical texts talk about the importance of this feeling. In this collection of famous phrases about regret you will discover words full of wisdom to find comfort, learning and motivation in your own process of repentance and improvement.

  1. Repentance means you change your mind so profoundly that it changes you. Bruce Wilkinson.
  2. The wonderful news is that our Lord is a God of mercy, and He responds to repentance. Billy Graham.
  3. It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. .
  4. There is no refuge from memory and remorse in this world. The spirits of our foolish acts haunt us, with or without repentance. Gilbert Parker.
  5. Of all man’s acts of repentance it is the most divine. The greatest of all failures is not being aware of any. Thomas Carlyle.
  6. It is never late for repentance and reparation. .
  7. If I have unjustly taken a board from a drowning man, I must return it to him, even if I drown myself. Henry Thoreau.
  8. I tell you that the time has come and the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe. Psalms.
  9. The first tear she made was so deep that I thought it had gone straight into my heart. CS Lewis.
  10. It is not the absence of sin, but the mourning over it that distinguishes the child of God from empty teachers. AW Rosa.
  11. What we love once, we love forever. Will there be joy in heaven over those who repent, but there is no forgiveness for them on earth? Ouida (Wanda).
  12. We sin easily, but repentance is a slow process; for it is quite easy to swallow poison, although the cure for its evil effects may be long and doubtful. Carlo days.
  13. The most beautiful blessing that we have been given the opportunity to repent. Islamic proverb.
  14. A good repentance is the best medicine for diseases of the soul. .
  15. Although true repentance is never too late, late repentance is rarely true. Thomas Brooks.
  16. Regret is not so much remorse for what we have done as fear of the consequences. François de La Rochefoucauld.
  17. He who falls into sin is a man; he who repents, a saint; he who is proud of him, a demon. Thomas Fuller.
  18. The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy. William Hazlitt.
  19. True repentance has a twofold aspect. Look at the past with teary eyes and the future with watchful eyes. Robert Smith.
  20. Repentance means that you change your mind in such a way that it changes you. Bruce Wilkinson.
  21. Can true repentance exist without faith? No way. But, although it cannot be separated, it is convenient to distinguish them. John Calvin.
  22. Life is too short, time too precious, and the risks too great to live in what could have been. Hillary Clinton.
  23. I do not regret anything. He who repents of what he has done is doubly miserable. Baruch Spinoza.
  24. Being good is not about not committing any mistakes, but about knowing how to make amends. .
  25. He who sleeps in a bed of roses repents in thorns. Francis Quarles.
  26. Never regret yesterday. Life lies in you today, and you build your tomorrow. Lafayette Ronald Hubbard.
  27. I am always suspicious of people who repent of the sins of others. Jean-Marie Le Pen.
  28. It is better to regret what we did than what we did not do.
  29. Try not to make the same mistake twice.

Short phrases about regret

Regret is a powerful emotion that confronts us with our past actions and compels us to reflect on the decisions we have made. These short phrases about repentance invite us to examine our actions, learn from our mistakes and seek redemption.

  1. True repentance is ceasing from sin.
  2. True repentance always involves reform.
  3. Repentance comes from the heart.
  4. The lonely men are all in repentance.
  5. Repentance is nothing more than a mockery when it comes late.
  6. Repentance is the change of the soul.
  7. But with morning came fresh regret. Walter Scott.
  8. Never promise something you may regret.
  9. Do not regret anything. Everything happens for a reason.
  10. It is better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Jeremy Irons.
  11. It’s never too late to get back on track.
  12. Repent involves changing your attitude and thinking.
  13. Never regret doing good.
  14. I thank the Lord for the great principle of repentance and forgiveness.
  15. Although I am imperfect, I know how to recognize when I make mistakes.
  16. When you ask for forgiveness, do it from the heart, otherwise it is better to remain silent.
  17. Forgive is not forget. But it helps to let go of the pain. Kathy Hedberg.
  18. By acknowledging your debt, you have already paid half of what you owe.
  19. Fear is temporary, but regret is forever.
  20. Repentance is the lack of power to sin. John Dryden.
  21. Genuine repentance not only means asking for forgiveness, but also doing everything possible to make amends for our mistakes.
  22. Regret is the echo of a past decision.
  23. True repentance is demonstrated by actions, not just words.
  24. Sincere repentance is the first step toward redemption.
  25. Regret is the fuel that drives our personal growth.
  26. Often the biggest regrets come from the opportunities we didn’t take advantage of.
  27. Repentance is a painful but valuable lesson in the importance of our choices.
  28. Repentance does not change the past, but it can transform our future.
  29. When we repent without action it is nothing more than empty words.
  30. Regret is a feeling that reminds us that we are imperfect beings in search of constant improvement.

Philosophical phrases about repentance

Repentance has been a topic contemplated and debated by philosophers throughout history. Its complexity and emotional power have led to deep reflections on human nature and our ability to learn. In these philosophical phrases about regret you will see new perspectives that explore the relationship between action, responsibility and personal growth.

  1. Bad men are full of regret. .
  2. Anger begins with madness and ends with regret. Pythagoras.
  3. True repentance avoids evil itself, rather than external suffering or shame. William Shakespeare.
  4. Past transgressions can be corrected, they cannot be made worse. Sophocles.
  5. To err is common to all men, but the man who, having erred, does not embrace his errors, but rather repents and seeks a cure, is neither a spendthrift nor a reckless one. Sophocles.
  6. Repentance is accepted remorse. .
  7. To err is human, to forgive divine. Alexander Pope.
  8. It is never late for repentance and reparation. Charles Dickens.
  9. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near. John the Baptist.
  10. True belief and true repentance are twins: it would be useless to try to say which comes first. Charles Spurgeon.
  11. Every year, during its Major Festivals, the judicial community recovers the names of repentance and forgiveness for all of us. Billy Graham.
  12. Four marks of true repentance are: recognition of evil, willingness to confess it, willingness to abandon it, and willingness to make restitution. Corrie Ten Boom.
  13. Every life is unique. But for all, repentance surely included through the portal of human prayer. Henry B. Edge.
  14. Sincere repentance is the path to reconciliation with oneself and with others. Confucius.
  15. There is nothing as useful as repentance. .
  16. It is better to repent for being silent than for speaking. .
  17. It is for men to make mistakes; crazy to persist in error. Tullius Cicero.
  18. Repentance is not only regretting what you have done, but also wanting to repent and not do it again. Cicero.
  19. what is the point of confession, if I am not sorry? .
  20. He who repents is like he who has not sinned. Muhammad.
  21. Repentance is the remorse of the soul for some evil act already committed. Seneca.
  22. Repentance does not erase guilt, but it is the first step to atonement. .
  23. True repentance is one that prompts us to change our way of thinking and acting. Aristotle.
  24. Sincere repentance is the remedy of the soul and the hope of virtue. Saint Ambrose.
  25. Repentance is regret for past actions, accompanied by the purpose of amendment. Saint Thomas of Aquino.
  26. Repentance is regret for past actions, accompanied by the purpose of amendment. Saint Thomas of Aquino.
  27. True repentance is one that prompts us to do everything possible to make amends for our faults. San Agustin.
  28. Repentance is the starting point of all true transformation. Martin Luther King Jr.
  29. Repentance not only involves regretting our past actions, but also learning from them and improving as people. .
  30. Stupid people do not forgive or forget; the naive forgive and forget; The wise forgives, but he does not forget. Thomas Szasz.
  31. Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge. Isaac Friedmann.

Phrases about regret towards your partner

When we hurt our partner and we regret it from the bottom of our hearts, it is necessary to express our feelings with the right words. The following phrases of regret towards the partner encapsulate the desire to correct mistakes. Keep in mind that sometimes a simple phrase can capture the essence of regret in a concise and powerful way.

  1. True repentance never leads to despair. She takes home. It leads to grace. John Ortberg.
  2. You may have to declare your forgiveness a hundred times on the first day and the second day, but on the third day it will be less and each day after, until one day you will realize that you have completely forgiven. William Paul.
  3. Nothing erases the past. There is repentance, there is atonement and there is forgiveness. That’s all, but that’s enough. Teg Chiang.
  4. Without you my life is not the same. I regret it with all my heart if I made you suffer.
  5. Forgive me. I am imperfect and I make mistakes, but only by your side am I complete.
  6. Life is not the same without you…
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