How to START fresh in LIFE – 8 Practical Tips

Starting from scratch It constitutes a hard moment in the life of any person, but, in the same way, it represents one of the moments of greatest personal growth, given the hard task of struggle and tireless entrepreneurship that usually occurs in this situation.

In the following Psychology-Online article, we will share some tips to be able to successfully carry out this arduous, but enriching, personal experience. Discover how to start from scratch in life opening the doors to changes, evaluating your deepest needs and desires and providing yourself with personal and social motivating elements.

How can you start living

Start over in life represents a huge challenge for the personwhile it is about building a new life from nothing, covering all the aspects that are involved in it, both emotional, psychological, social, work and economic, among others.

This is not an easy task in any case, since, for it to be successful, requires a series of personal, family and/or social elements that nourish and strengthen the person and keep them faithful on the path to achieving the programmed objective.

There are different contexts in which a person can find themselves in the situation of having to start from scratch in life. Here are some examples:

  • When you change your place of residence.
  • When you decide to adopt a new lifestyle.
  • When you lose a loved one, when you lose.
  • When you change jobs.
  • When a couple separates. In this article you will find information about.

In all of these situations, people must start a grieving process for what has been experienced so far and inner strengthening to undertake and consolidate the new life project. To help in this process, below we present some Practical tips that you can use in case you have to start from scratch in life.

Live the mourning of what was experienced in the past

The situation of starting from scratch in life presupposes the end of a stage prior that, for many and varied reasons, is not continued today. The abandonment of this previous stage, even if voluntary, needs a conscious farewell that leaves the stage closed, without nostalgia or harmful hooks putting obstacles in the new path to be taken from now on.

On occasions in which the end of the previous stage has not been something chosen voluntarily and consciously, such as when a loved one is lost, a separation or breakup of the family occurs, it will be necessary work through a grieving process that allows us to integrate the loss in the most balanced way possible to, without anchoring in the past, embark on a new path. In this article you will see c.

Open new doors towards a new life project

If you are wondering how you can start living after the closure of the previous stage, it is essential internally and consciously open the doors to new paths and life projects. This action requires a positive and conscious attitude that reflects the desire to build a new life and directs our steps towards that goal. So that nothing stops you, we recommend you read this article about .

Assess your deepest needs and desires

After this attitude of openness and personal deserving of the good life, to start a new life it will be necessaryeither perform a deep analysis of the needs and desires that, from the depths of our hearts, wish to come true.

At this moment it is crucial discern between those needs that in the short or medium term will lose their meaning, such as having a nice house, finding a very well-paid job or buying a new car, one of those that will last in their interest and intensity in the long termfor example, balancing personal, family and work life, maintaining regular contact with nature, surrounding yourself with good people, etc.

Plan an objective and schedule specific actions to achieve it

Once the process of personal introspection has been completed, to start again you must proceed to specify the necessary actions to be carried out to achieve the proposed objectives. In this planning, it will be important to specify all the important aspects such as the actions to be carried out, possible obstacles along the way, elements of strengthening and motivation to be achieved, etc.

Provide yourself with personal and social motivating elements

When starting from scratch when you have lost everything, in addition to planning what actions you want to take to achieve your goals, to achieve them it is key that you identify those personal and social aspects that help you stay motivated and stay on the path despite the obstacles that arise.

On a personal level, the self care, such as good nutrition, exercise or emotional psychological care, will be essential to start a new life successfully. Likewise, surround yourself with a good family and social support network It will guarantee support in moments of crisis or falls along the way.

Prepare strategically for bumps and falls

Likewise, when starting from scratch it is of utmost importance foresee all obstacles that can get in your way and cause certain falls. These can be both exteriorssuch as economic difficulties, family conflicts or administrative or social difficulties, such as interiors, for example, fear, lack of motivation or confidence, depressive states, etc. If you need it, in this article you will find the keys to .

Being aware of these elements and providing ourselves with positive strategies to combat these blows, and recover from them, is essential to continue moving forward on a path that, although it is motivated by the personal desire to achieve it, will not be free of obstacles and difficulties that will try to boycott the project created within us.

Start the path

Equipped with everything that has been said, to start from scratch in a new life project you have to start the path, with the uncertainty, joy and impulse that every new project entails. Starting it constitutes get to work and make it happenstep by step and calmly, all the elements specified in our personal planning, strengthened by our support network and our personal tools and combating any obstacle that decides to interfere with the path.

Stay on the path until the end

Whatever happens, whether there is struggle or calm, fear or confidence, sadness or joy, restlessness or inner calm, to start from scratch the important and fundamental thing is do not faint on the way. Staying in it no matter what happens, tirelessly until, finally, we happily reach the accomplished goal. It will be then when joy will reign again in our hearts.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Boixeda, NM, & Vilela, MM (2017). Leave everything and start from scratch: the case of many. Disparities. Anthropology Magazine72(1), 59-66.
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