Why do I feel rejection towards my mother – discover the most common causes



The truth is that I have a very strong grudge against my mother, she was a bad woman to us, she married my father without wanting it and made life difficult for him, he decided to become more of an alcoholic, but he was the complete opposite of her, Despite his alcoholism he loved us. When he died he left worried about her life that we would lead with her. She was jealous, possessive, abusive and very psychologically aggressive, to the point that she was sued by third parties for being like that and she calmed down for a while and now she is back. I decided to stay away from her, because it is not healthy for me, I was able with a lot of effort not to be the same in my marriage and in myself, but two of my brothers did not, they failed in their marriages, because they have emotional instability. We were children psychologically and physically abused, depressed and threatened by your own mother. And I assure you that she does not accept everything that she did, because apart from that she denies things and she gets very aggressive. She doesn’t speak, she screams.



Hello, my mom controls me a lot, she even hits me, I want to get away from her, I don’t know what to do, I want to travel, see the world, I have pending goals saved, but I need your help, my mom went crazy and obsessed with cleanliness, my mom hates me.

Little girl


On the eve of Mother’s Day, being a teacher and looking for poems for my students, it makes me sad to see so many nice words towards mothers, I don’t know what kind of relationship I have with my mother since on many occasions when we talk we end up fights, I hold many grudges against him…there are various reasons but I can’t understand what it would be, thanks for the article. I’m going to reflect and see if I can do it alone or else I’ll look for help. greetings

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I, I can’t get along, I have a lot of resentment towards him and that has me blocked, it’s beyond me, it bothers me that he comes to my house. I can’t control that but my mood immediately changes and I get upset, but when I’m alone with my family I’m a totally different person. I really want to be different, I can’t

Marta Nadal


psychological therapy – you can’t live like that

Jessica Garzon


My mother told my sister-in-law that she had taken something to abort. She said it in other words because she justified it because she didn’t study high school to be pitiful. But the truth is that she was mean to my daddy. And when he accepted me pregnant, she made my life miserable during the pregnancy. Because of that I had a horrible postpartum. She was upset that I was happy with my husband. She has been envious in every way. She won’t change she is a very bad person



My mother never loved me, and I say that simply because I felt that way all my life. It is not necessary to analyze it or read books to know it. Either you feel it or you don’t feel it. That’s the only truth. My mother mistreated me all my life, but not my younger brother and my older sister. She would grab my clothes and put them on the dogs and cats to sleep in, just mine. That enabled my brothers to grab my things because although crying and in a nervous breakdown I asked them to please do something, she just looked at me, she smiled and told me to tell your daddy. I was very close to my father, she got along badly, she also despised him all my life, My brother stole my things and sold them and I lived there abused by all of them. because that is a kind of abuse. So if I loved these people who did that to me and so many other things… that I can’t write enough about… if I loved my mother I would be sick. You can’t love just because. You don’t have to force yourself to love. Love is felt or it is not felt. Today my mother is forced to live with me, because her children are two in the air because that’s how she raised them. and every day of my life I have to see her, she bothers me a lot but I do it because she is a human being. But I don’t feel anything for her. The only thing I took out of my soul is hatred because it is the only thing that tortured me inside. Remembering what he did to me makes me sick, so I try not to think about it and always look forward. But I will never blame myself for not loving her. She doesn’t deserve it from me. She is my example NOT to follow. Don’t torture yourself if you don’t feel love for her mother, it’s normal too.

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Jessica Garzon


I understand what you went through. And you are right. In saying whether you feel or not if you feel. I hope you are well now.



As I understand you, what a good answer, I feel almost no love for my mother, one because she was almost always absent, she gave me bad examples, she colludes with my other two sisters who by the way hate me and always attack me, anyway There are many things, I can’t give them a hug, I can’t do them, many things they say in this blog and I’m not going to do them, I don’t have hate towards them either, I just want them to live their lives and I live mine. and everyone on their own and everything is ready.

Marta Nadal


Your story is very strong, urgent 1 therapy. If you don’t deal with it, it’s going to ruin your life.

Alexandra Isabel

11/25/2021 I am for the first time looking for information about this feeling that I have always had for my mother, and my feelings are on the surface, just by being behind her, I realized that she is only a root, who tries to save his tree, to feed it and form it, even though it is extremely broken, I am sorry to read people who have been abandoned by their parents, but do not judge them, they are also broken and very empty, love conquers everything.

I thank the person who wrote the article, and the readers.

I wish your feelings heal and be happy, a hug ❤️

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Alejandra, not in all cases, just because she is your mother doesn’t mean she is a good person. Why would you love a person who treated you your whole life as if you were worthless? If she had her problems, she also had the opportunity to redeem herself, to change, to ask for forgiveness even if it was…
I am a mother and I grew up with a mother who never loved me, why would I love her? That’s not natural? The problem is forcing yourself to love someone because you are “supposed” to love them, there is no divine descent for that… I think the problem is precisely forcing yourself to love someone because we were born from their womb, and if you don’t feel … it does not feel. you have to relax



Thank you, I really felt like a very bad person when I felt that rejection towards my mother and I didn’t understand why, now thanks to your publication I am understanding myself better and I am going to follow your advice to have a better relationship with my mother



I have always loved my children equally. And the character compatibility of both parties definitely has a lot to do with it.
I loved your article.



The relationship with my mother has been very complicated since I can remember, yes, I have good memories with her, not to say they are minimal, most of them are of shame, fear and anger since she spent much of my childhood and my adolescence he was an alcoholic person, who preferred it over his son, thus exposing himself in front of my classmates, sometimes leaving the house for weeks and leaving me outside, today my father who was not the most affectionate person, tells me that I should give more love to my mother, but it just doesn’t come to mind, I have respect for her, yes, but love, I don’t get to feel that, she doesn’t even feel like talking about it, she simply acts as if every time I have to see her. nothing would have happened, as if our relationship was rosy



Hello people! I have reached the level of not being fond of my mother. She is very cruel with words when she proposes it. Lately I have more memories of arguments than beautiful moments. I would like to leave my house now but I still don’t have time to receive myself and now in Argentina it is very difficult to live alone. I only hope to get a job so I can be out of my house as much as possible because my mother is very toxic and I can’t stand her anymore. Sometimes I’m tired of fighting so much but hey, there are people whose happiness takes a while to arrive.



I am 15 years old, I am the oldest daughter and I am not very good at expressing myself, my mother says that I am very quiet unlike my sister who talks a lot, my mother gets upset when I am serious and tells me things like “Why are you angry?” “Why are you making faces?” She changes that character, she wants me to express myself more like my sister does, but she asked me: How do you want her to express me if when she did something that she didn’t order me to do, she scolded me?
He scolded me or hit me when I behaved badly and I’m not saying that I’m very bad either, but now I have a hard time making decisions, I have a hard time expressing myself, I have a hard time defending myself, he taught me that if he said something to me and I didn’t want to do it he would go very bad

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Hello, you are going through hard times, both because of your teenage years and because of family dynamics.
It is not easy for a child to understand certain behaviors of their parents.
Many times parents repeat patterns learned from their own parents.
That worked for its time, because there wasn’t that much information in what was seen in the world.
This generation is different, it is the generation of why, of the analysis of things.
Maybe they also did the same thing to your mother that they do to you, and she has not realized it, because she perceives it as normal, try to be able to understand that so that it does not affect you and you can understand this situation and be able to arrive intelligently. to communicate with her.
Obviously your mom fears toxic behavior and needs help.
A child should not feel resentment towards his parents, because that resentment hurts his heart and his self-esteem.
I suggest that you write a letter to your mother, and speak to her from your feelings, but without attacking her, just expressing how you feel, with respect as well as how you want to receive it from her.
Children can also teach their parents life lessons.
Ask God for strength and wisdom to resolve this toxic situation and everything flows for good.



My mom gets angry at everything I do, I make a mistake on my homework, she yells at me, I sneeze, she gets angry, I tell her to lower the volume, her cell phone gets irritated. What do I do?

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Honey, what your mom needs is a BOYFRIEND. or do EXERCISE so that he releases that anger he has with you!!!… If he has always been like this then he DOESN’T love you!!!… It’s that simple… You also have to look at how old your mother is… .. Because if it has always been like this, on that part it is very bad….. Really, yes…



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Lately I’ve been feeling rejection from my mother.
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