Where does pineapple grow? Not exactly in trees in Hawaii

Pineapple has been mostly associated with Hawaii, for its sweet flavor and tropical appearance, however, this is not entirely true. Where does pineapple really come from? And even more interesting, where does pineapple grow? If you have imagined a large tree whose production is several pine cones, we are sorry to tell you that this is not the case.

When we think about the origin of what we eat, curiosity rises and we wonder where such a delicacy came from. We have learned that most fruits come from , whose fruit production is much larger than just one fruit. However, the origin of many of the delicacies that we consider fruits is not always in the treetops.

History of pineapple

Although the tropical appearance of the pineapple has earned it its Hawaiian reputation, it does not precisely originate in Hawaii. Pineapples are the most famous member of the bromeliad family, which is endemic to the Americas, mainly South America. Although it has also been found in Africa. And whose benefits have been widely studied.

When Christopher Columbus arrived by mere serendipity to America after looking for a shorter route to reach India, he met the pineapple for the first time. And he was in charge of taking her to Spain and then her fame spread throughout Europe. Due to its exotic shape and exquisite flavor, the pineapple quickly became a symbol of opulence and wealth.

The story for North America was more or less similar. The pineapple symbolized exoticness and sailors used to take them home from the South to North America. But even a pineapple was still new to Americans in the 19th century. It wasn’t until the mid-1700s when Captain James Cook introduced the battery to Hawaii. Since then she has had the reputation of being Hawaiian, although we now know that this is not true.

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Where does pineapple grow?

Pineapple does not grow on trees and it does not grow in piles, in fact, it grows on a plant called Anana comosus that grows at ground level. The Pineapple does not have a very large production of pineapples, in reality it only produces one pineapple from the center of its bush.

Pineapples are plants that grow from the ground. They are perennial, which means they do not lose their leaves in autumn and remain green all year round. With hard, pointed leaves, the pineapple is arranged in a rosette shape and does not grow more than one in height. It is almost from the ground where its flower first emerges, right in the center and which will later become a delicious pineapple.

Although imagining a tall and copious tree with many pine cones hanging from it would have been very fun, in reality the pineapple grows from the ground and its plant is only capable of giving us a single fruit. But this one is very easy to grow, if you have been curious about the growing process, it is very easy to grow your own pineapple plant. So the next time you enjoy this delicious delicacy, you will already know what the process is before it reaches your table.