What to do when you are sad and feel alone

Sadness and loneliness hurt, they make us feel vulnerable. However, in a situation of this type, try to rationalize this discomfort to understand that it is not a definitive period. You can do something to change your own inner perception because your attitude changes your world. Don’t let sadness and loneliness lead you to a point of self-pity and victimhood when today you can decide to have a nice day. Big changes start with the simplest steps. At Psychology-Online we give you ideas to achieve this. Ideas of hope, motivation and encouragement in the face of emotional pain. ¿What to do when you are sad and feel alone? In this article we give you the answer.

Instead of staying at home thinking about sad thoughts, make a plan with yourself.

Film session

It is one of the best therapies against loneliness because once you have bought your ticket and are sitting in the room, you experience the encounter with the lives of the characters, discover an interesting plot and obtain life lessons from the inspiring example of its protagonists. Obviously, not all movies are of the same quality. However, you can inform yourself by reading reviews and reviews about the offers available on the billboard. More cinema; This is a good formula to reduce emotional loneliness.

If you are not comfortable with the idea of ​​​​going to the cinema without company, then choose the afternoon session on a weekday as the best option to enjoy your cinematic moment. You will feel in your comfort zone.

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Reading in the library

Choose a good book and change the walls of your house for those of the library to feel accompanied by that latent silence in this cultural space that is also a place of socialization. Books are good medicine against loneliness and sadness. Do not continue reading a book that bores you in its first pages, otherwise you turn reading into suffering.

Regarding the literary universe, you can also experience the company of being part of a Reading Club in which you can share your reflections on the work read by the group.


Walks are medicinal for the mood and are a good way to relax. You can also combine them with other plans. For example, you can have a drink at a cafe while reading your favorite magazine. You can take advantage of the journey to do some of your daily errands. You can also take some landscape photographs.

Call a friend

When you feel this way you can make the mistake of waiting for someone else to guess how you feel. However, it is very possible that the people who love you have not noticed your discomfort. Call a friend, tell them how you feel, thank them for their support, and tell them you’d like to meet up to talk for a while.

If that friend is miles away, then you can arrange a conversation via video conference. Sometimes, when you feel sad and alone, you need to talk about it to put it into perspective and realize that, from empathy, understanding arises when you use the language of feelings.

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Music concerts

Stop boycotting your personal agenda by always depending on the company of another person to make plans that you like. For example, if today you have time to attend a classical music concert but no one around you is free at that time, then consider the possibility of attend without company. The feeling of loneliness decreases when you learn to put your own autonomy into practice in practical experience.

There are different causes that can motivate the feeling of loneliness. Below we list seven possible reasons:

  1. Unmet expectations. When you anticipate how you would like others to behave, then you become frustrated because each person is different. And, from this position, loneliness is the result of the void left by expectations that have not materialized in reality.
  2. You have closed yourself off. Loneliness can not only be motivated by an external circumstance, but also be the result of the attitude of that person who has put on a shell to protect himself from new disappointments. And, therefore, she has closed herself off.
  3. Idealization of the lives of others. You look at other people’s Instagram photos and feel like they have a dream life compared to your own leisure options. Do not let yourself be eclipsed by this type of mirage because life does not allow comparisons when measured from its essential truth.
  4. you find yourself away from your family and friends After having moved to a new city for work reasons and you are still in the process of adapting to the new environment in which you hope to form your own social circle. In this case, be patient because everything takes time.
  5. . The definitive distance from a special person can make you feel longing for their presence.
  6. and social networks. Being permanently connected will not make you feel more accompanied. In reality, this dependency produces inner emptiness because technology is a means, not an end in itself. It is a complement to the face-to-face and personal meeting.
  7. Heartbreak. Heartbreak can not only occur after a breakup, but also in a bond that is apparently still alive although at its core it is completely broken.
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In any of these situations, the tips described in this article can help you because they are simple ideas whose application depends, mainly, on yourself.