What is the best position to sleep well and rest?

There are sleeping positions that can benefit and/or harm your health in the future. Which one is correct according to the experts? Why correct it? Discover it here.

Having a pleasant night depends on several factors, and posture is one of them because when someone wakes up with neck or arm pain, they usually say: “I slept badly,” but also because maintaining a good sleeping position prevents some future health problems.

“There are positions that can predispose to certain sleep problems.mainly to obstructive apnea when sleeping on the back, we create a predisposition for the problem to occur and It is not that we stop breathing, but that our respiratory tract, Specifically, the throat closes and air cannot pass through it correctly. There are people who have a lot of apneas when they sleep on their backs, and when they sleep on their sides they disappear,” says Dr. Carles Gaig, coordinator of the sleep and wakefulness disorders study group of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN), to .

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Maintaining a posture throughout the night is very complicated because even if you feel like you haven’t moved, it is very likely that you have and that has been seen in some sleep tests that have been performed medically:

“It is usually observed that a person wakes up many times at night, to get comfortable and change position. Although we are not aware of these changes at night, it is very common to wake up for just a few seconds and adjust our position.. If, for example, we sleep on our stomach and are not comfortable, we may change our position ourselves,” explains Dr. Gaig.

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A trick if you suffer from apnea, generated by sleeping on your back, is to put something uncomfortable on your back to make it impossible to be in that position. One option is to put some small pockets on the back of the pajama shirt and put a couple of balls inside, that way you will sleep on your side.

What is the proper posture to sleep better?

At the muscular level, the most correct thing is to sleep on your sidein this way it is possible to keep the back straight during rest, comfort is promoted and postural health is taken care of.

If when you wake up the next morning you realize that you are face down, a position that creates a lot of tension in the neck area; what you can do is place with a pillow between the legs to maintain lateral posture constantly.

Two basic tips for sleeping well, in addition to these (

  • Take care of the temperature of your room To sleep without interruptions, the ideal is that, regardless of the weather, you are between 18 and 22 degrees.
  • You wake up with the sun, You must take into account the importance of establishing chronological patterns and adjust your sleep to go to bed a few hours after dark and wake up with the arrival of the first hours of daylight.

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