What is the best medication for anxiety – find out here!

The fact that human beings experience more or less anxiety at certain times in life is normal and to a certain extent healthy, since if we did not experience it we would not feel that motivation or impulse to protect ourselves in a dangerous situation, for example, or simply to get ahead and achieve what we want so much. However, when anxiety becomes extreme and we worry about all kinds of things that there is no reason to worry about, when we live in a state of alert every day, this is certainly an indicator that there is a problem.

This type of condition can be treated and overcome when proper treatment is carried out without any problem. In this Psychology-Online article: what is the best medication for anxietywe are going to let you know what the appropriate pharmacological and psychological treatment is to overcome anxiety.

What is the best medication for anxiety?

Before answering this question, it is important that you know that medications or drugs to overcome anxiety are not included in all cases and may only require psychological treatment, however this depends on the particular situation of each person. That is why it is necessary that first of all you consult a professional so that they can advise you appropriately, evaluate you and provide you with the most appropriate treatment for you. But What is the best medication for anxiety?


There really is no specific medication or an ideal one that can be considered better than others since it depends on the individual situation of each person, the doctor will prescribe the one that best suits your specific needs and what the appropriate dose will be for you. you since this obviously varies from one person to another. For this reason, it is so important that before prescribing the appropriate medication, I evaluate you exhaustively.

There are different types of medications to treat anxiety, among the main ones are the following:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). These types of medications are frequently used by doctors to treat depression, however they can also be used to treat generalized anxiety and reduce its symptoms. These drugs usually cause some (non-serious) side effects for most people. Normally it is recommended to start consuming lower doses and gradually increase them.
  • Buspirone. It is a serotonergic medication that belongs to a class of active anxiolytic substances and does not generate any type of dependence. This medication also does not produce any type of psychomotor alteration or sedation and in order to obtain the desired effect it must be consumed for several weeks.
  • Benzodiazepines. These types of drugs are also called tranquilizers or anxiolytics and are used to treat more serious problems of generalized anxiety disorder. Due to the additive effects it produces, it is not recommended to consume it for long periods of time, so the doctor will prescribe it for as long as he considers strictly necessary. Among the main benzodiazepine-based medications are, for example, lorazepam, clonazepam and bromazepam.
  • Beta blockers. These types of medications, although they are less effective than other types of drugs, are extremely beneficial for those people who present intense somatic symptoms of anxiety. Therefore, they quickly reduce the perception of some symptoms such as body tremors and tachycardia.
  • Antihistamines. Although they are used less frequently to treat anxiety, they have been proven to have good results in controlling it.

Over-the-counter anxiety medications

There are other types of drugs that can help us treat anxiety without the need to ask for a medical prescription. These medications are considered natural remedies to calm anxiety. Some of these treatments are the following:

  • Tryptophan: Recently, this type of drug has been marketed in the form of a supplement, however, we can increase the levels of this amino acid with a balanced diet and maintaining adequate sleep schedules.
  • Increased consumption of some foods such as bananas, chocolate, nuts…all these foods contribute to our emotional balance.
  • Some natural-based tablets such as valerian or passionflower They can also be useful to calm our anxiety, however, if you do not see improvements while you are taking these over-the-counter anxiety medications, it is recommended that you go to a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Psychological therapy to calm anxiety

It is a pathology whose main characteristic is being worried or anxious all or almost all the time about different situations and even those that have no relevance, so the person is unable to adequately manage their anxiety and this generates a enormous discomfort.

It is necessary that the treatment be carried out with a professional therapist who will help you understand the origin of your anxiety as well as everything related to it, such as what are the factors that maintain it, among other aspects that will undoubtedly help you. They will help you understand this disorder and manage it in a better way. There are different types of therapy to treat generalized anxiety disorder, the most effective being Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

What we work on is that you understand the relationship that exists between your thoughts, behaviors and the symptoms you present. Finally, among the objectives of psychological therapy are that you can learn to manage your own emotions and take control over the perception of the factors that are causing you anxiety and stress, modify the irrational thoughts and beliefs that you have at the moment and that you have maintained over time with more objective and positive ones, so that you learn to relax in situations of great tension and finally that you can considerably increase your emotional well-being and improve each of the areas of your life.

Tips to manage anxiety

Below we will mention some tips that can be very useful to reduce your anxiety levels and that you can put into practice combined with your main treatment.

  • Do low-intensity physical exercise such as going for a walk, do pilates, zumba, yogaetc.
  • Get enough sleep and appropriately
  • Eat in a healthy and balanced way
  • Meditation and relaxation exercises
  • Leaving home every day
  • Avoid using drugs and alcohol.
  • Keep close to friends and/or family
  • Do relaxing and enjoyable activities

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Abreu, MA (2018, December 4). The best Medications for Anxiety. Retrieved January 2, 2019, from https://www.tuasaude.com/es/medicamentos-para-la-ansiedad/
  • National Institute of Mental Health. (2017, January). Generalized anxiety disorder: When worry cannot be controlled. Retrieved January 2, 2019, from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/espanol/trastorno-de-ansiedad-generalizada-when-no-se-trabajon-controlar-las-preseguraciones-new/index .shtml
  • MedlinePlus medical encyclopedia. (sf). Self-care – generalized anxiety disorder. Retrieved January 2, 2019, from https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/patientinstructions/000685.htm
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