What is sexting and what are its risks?

Mobile devices are increasingly present in different aspects of our lives. They have become the means to carry out work and academic activities, for entertainment and even a large part of our interpersonal relationships are mediated by these devices. He sexting It is an expression of the intrusion of technology into our private lives and it is becoming more and more frequent.

As part of these dynamics, we spend a large part of our time exchanging messages, photos, audios and videos through technological platforms. And although, at first glance, share personal sexual content It is something normal and confidential between two people, it is not always that simple.

Exchanging this type of messages and sexual content is known as sexting and can occur through instant messaging applications, social networks and emails.

Usually, the sexting It is an intimate activity that is carried out spontaneously and consensually between two people. The drawbacks arise when one of the parties does not respect said privacy and spreads without consent the sexual content that was shared with him.

Is sexting common?

have revealed that one in four minors in the United States and Europe has received a message or image with explicit sexual content and one in seven has sent a message of this type, with this practice being more frequent between 12 and 17 years old. In Latin America, the country with the highest prevalence of sexting is Mexico, where 36.7% of 10 thousand minors between 12 and 16 years Respondents said they knew someone who had sent this type of content and 10.2% had sent them.

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Risks of sexting

Although initially the sexting It may seem like a fun game, can turn into a real nightmare for those who suffer it, not only because their reputation is at stake, but also because they do not have the ability to control the situation. Find out below the main ones risks of sexting.

  • Dissemination without consent. Although generally the sexting It begins with the consent of the two people involved, sometimes it happens that someone decides to share the content with friends without asking for consent.
  • Extortion. Many times people seek to exert control over others, generally their partners or ex-partners. And a very common way of doing this is by threatening them with disseminating said content if they do not accept their financial or other demands.
  • Viralization. In some cases, the published images or content are not only spread in the victim’s immediate environment, it may happen that the images have thousands of views and reproductions, and continue to be shared incessantly. In these cases, the victim cannot have any control over the situation and even if she changes residence, what happened to her usually haunts her.
  • Distortion of sexuality in minors. Minors who are affected by this type of situation often construct a distorted image of sexuality.
  • Identity fraud. It is common for children or adolescents to be impersonated by other people who take advantage of the intimate information about them to which they had access.

As you can see, there are many risks that can be generated by sexting and the consequences you would have to face if someone decides violate your privacy. Therefore, think carefully before sharing personal sexual content.

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What to do when sexual content is spread without consent?

It is very important to be clear that sharing sexual content without the consent of the people involved it’s a crime and that although the images or files were initially shared with consent, their dissemination is the responsibility of the person who violated the privacy of the other person and made them public. If you are a victim of this type of crime, it is important that you take into account the following recommendations:

  • Collect evidence. Save evidence of posts: links, screenshots, files, conversations.
  • Contact those responsible for websites or social networks. Most technology platforms have policies to report these types of crimes and request that the content be removed. After storing the evidence, request its removal to avoid further exposure.
  • Report. The authorities in each country have a department specialized in this type of crime. Do not hesitate to go to the authorities to inform them of the crime of which you are a victim.

If you have been a victim of this crime or another manifestation of sexual violence, do not hesitate to report. Break the silence so that other people don’t have to go through the same thing as you. Don’t forget that you are not alone and that in the You can find the support you need.