What is phubbing and how can it affect your personal relationships?

Have you ever seen people who pay more attention to their mobile phones than to the people around them in the physical world? In case you don’t know, this behavior is known as phubbing and it is the result of the combination of two words: “phone”, which refers to the telephone and “snubbing” which is to snub.

And although this seems like a frequent phenomenon that results from the accelerated pace in which we live and that demands that we be “present” in several areas at the same time, phubbing can seriously affect the way we relate with others in reality.

Seemingly harmless actions can alert you in relation to this practice of ignoring people in real life, for example: constantly looking at the phone screen while in a conversation, responding to messages or emails in the middle of a social interaction or even preferring to spend time on the networks social rather than interacting with friends and family.

How does phubbing affect personal relationships?

Although technological tools and social networks have one of their main objectives to connect people, today, their excessive use, paradoxically, is generating the opposite effect and can deteriorate not only relationships as a couple, but also friendships and relationships. relatives. Find out below some of the negative effects that phubbing can have.

Communication impairment

When one of the people participating in a conversation is more interested in their mobile device than in communication, misunderstandings can arise and this person can be perceived as unempathetic and disinterested.

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emotional isolation

A person who is a victim of phubbing may feel unappreciated, ignored, and will probably avoid opening up emotionally. Added to this may be that you experience feelings of loneliness and frustration.

Difficulties in relationships

When phubbing is present in a relationship, it can generate various difficulties such as:

  • Negative effects on physical and emotional intimacy.
  • Lack of attention and connection.
  • It can undermine trust and reduce the perception of closeness.

Negative impact on mental health

Believe it or not, phubbing can lead people to experience stress, anxiety and depression as they feel less connected and supported by their loved ones.

As you can see, a behavior that for some could be “normal” and without the intention of causing harm, can have serious repercussions on people who suffer from it. Remember that more valuable than wanting to know what is happening in the virtual world is being present in the here and now, and honoring the people who give you their time and attention in the real world.

How do you know if you have addictive behaviors with your mobile phone?

Surely you have ever felt that someone pays more attention to their phone than to you, but it could also be that that person is you. How do you know?

Pay attention to the following red flags in your behavior.

  • You feel insecure without your mobile phone.
  • You give your phone a higher priority than whoever is in front of you.
  • In meetings with family and friends, you are always connected to your cell phone.
  • In restaurants your phone is always next to the plate.
  • Both in transport and in public spaces you are always using your cell phone.
  • The fact of not having a mobile phone generates an irrational fear in you.
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While we all need our mobile phones to carry out multiple tasks in our daily lives, it is important to learn how to identify addictive behaviors and take action so that they do not generate greater problems.

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How to combat phubbing?

To cultivate bonds and keep them strong it is essential eliminate phubbing. The following guidelines can help you. Pay attention.

  • Agree on moments and places free of electronic devices with your loved ones.
  • Reflect on when and why you tend to turn to your device instead of paying attention to the people around you.
  • Encourage open and honest communication with people in your immediate environment.
  • Try apps designed to help you reduce the time you spend connected to your devices.
  • Dedicate quality time to your relationships. Prioritize face-to-face interactions and enjoy moments without digital distractions.

Remember that If you are aware of your behaviors you can take action to combat phubbing and have stronger and healthier bonds.

In it # Movement we reject all harmful behaviors, such as phubbing, that can negatively impact mental health. Additionally, it is important to keep in mind that excessive exposure to mobile devices and social media can make us vulnerable to sexual abuse and other types of online abuse, and can put our children at much greater risk.

Learn more about our and the that we share to prevent sexual abuse. Discover and make a difference for a world free of abuse.