What is emotional stability and useful tips to take care of it

This is a term that is heard a lot when someone is going through a bad time, but little is delved into. Here we are going to explain what it is about.

Emotional stability is the ability of a person to manage their emotions in a positive way and, in this way, not affect their daily life; It refers to the ability of a human being to remain stable and balanced.

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“It is about the ability to not get carried away by negative feelings, even if personal or professional conditions are not perfect,” he explains.

What can be done so that emotional stability is not affected?

The Graduate School of , Spain, gives these recommendations to avoid suffering from emotional instability.

  1. Take care of your diet.
  2. Sleep 8 hours
  3. Perform physical exercise
  4. Take a break and take time for yourself
  5. Surround yourself with a positive environment

It should be noted that emotional stability is part of the big five personality traits, according to psychologist Lewis Goldberg.

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