What are the psychological advantages of dressing up children?

Halloween is approaching and doubts may arise about whether or not it is really good to dress up our children. Therefore, we bring you some benefits of promoting this activity.

Dressing up on Halloween, beyond the celebration, brings with it several benefits on a pedagogical and psychological level. in cognitive, coordination and psychomotor development in children, thanks to the fact that costume play encourages imagination, vocabulary development and stimulates intelligence in children.

Therefore, it is important to know the emotional, social, motor, cognitive and physiological perspective of the benefits of costumes at each stage of childhood.

The psychologist, Conchita Otálora de Segura, an expert in child neurodevelopment, states that it is key to allow the child to experience each stage of the costume.

Children up to two years old choose to imitate their parents or close relatives, after that, they begin to disguise themselves as professions; doctor, firefighter or police officer, are some common ones. It is extremely important that parents let their children choose their costumes, even let them create their outfits at home if they want.

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  1. Learning symbolization and stimulation of creativity: Symbolization refers to the capacity of the human being to use what the external world offers him (things, people, words) to feel it as a representation of something of his own.
  2. Promotes language skills: Role-playing allows you to add new words to children’s vocabulary because it describes the behavior of the character they are going to play and their daily life. Similarly, This activity allows children to see their experiences from another point of view in a fun way. and imitate situations that allow us to empathize more directly with other contexts.
  3. Overcome fears due to shyness: Costumes help to interpret new characters, in this way a child can become uninhibited with this practice. However, if a child is not receptive to wearing costumes, it is not recommended to force him or her and build costumes from home with loose tools.
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“The costume encourages creativity, helps in socialization and promotes fine and gross psychomotor coordination, in addition to influencing the entire development in terms of social relationships, promoting creativity, self-confidence and a feeling of freedom,” adds Conchita Otálora de Segura, Children Sport Psychologist.

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It is important to remember that these activities should not be imposed on children, that is, the ability to decide must be encouraged, therefore, one should also ask if they want to do it, and if so, do pedagogy of the character: who is he? , why he is popular, what values ​​he has, why he likes that costume and if he feels comfortable in it.