What are the consequences of bulimia on physical and emotional health?

It is important to understand that bulimia, like any other eating disorder, has consequences for the physical and emotional health of the person who suffers from it. Here we will recognize some of them.

First on a physical level, on the skin, especially on the back of the dominant hand, calluses due to induction of vomiting. Likewise, the person increases the risk of presenting a subconjunctival hemorrhage due to prolonged retching; This means that, when trying to induce vomiting, and failing, the probability of this type of hemorrhage is greater.

In addition to this, frequent vomiting can form a alteration in the oral cavity and pharynx due to the acids expelled by the stomach, generating a process of dental erosion and caries. At the same time, it is usually presented pain and inflammation in the pharynx and larynx area, dysphonia, dry cough, dysphagia, ulcers and lesions in the mouth, mainly in the soft palate. In addition to this, there is a possibility of loss of sphincter tone which, in the long term, increases the risk of cancer in the lower third of the stomach.

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In relation to gastric functioning, it is possible that the stomach becomes less reactive which can produce a serious complication at the gastrointestinal level to the point of perforation. On the other hand, the constant use of laxatives causes serious intestinal problems losing large amounts of sodium and potassium.

Finally, a disorder like this also generates heart difficulties translated into irregular heartbeat or heart failure. In the women; Furthermore, there may be absent or abnormal periods during menstruation.

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Now, with respect to mental health after suffering from bulimia, it is possible that a problem may arise. low self-esteem, which complicates relationships and social functioning. Additionally, they trigger emotional difficulties developing anxiety crises or depressive periods, personality disorders or bipolarity. Finally, in certain cases the person can develop alcohol and drug abuse behaviors, self-harm, suicidal ideation or even completed suicide.

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