For life to flow, you have to let go of emotional burdens

Emotional burdens are memories and feelings that we carry around even if we don’t like it; Such burdens are a burden that prevents us from leading a healthy and stable life.

Just as a computer keeps ghost files and ‘garbage’ of programs, to the point of becoming slow and heavy, the same thing happens to a person when he collects the pain of unpleasant experiences in his life and does not ‘clean’ them. feelings.

An emotional charge can be generated both by past situations and by situations in the present that can generate anguish, fear and anxietyhighlights the .

“The intensity with which an emotional burden is experienced has nothing to do with the magnitude of what happened but rather how this event is experienced by the person,” say mental health specialists.

Emotional burdens can turn into physical illness

Mexican experts assure that Accumulating these bad feelings for prolonged periods can have impacts on the body as: colitis, gastritis, skin conditions, intestinal problems, and heart or respiratory diseases.

On a psychological level, The person may have a feeling of low self-esteem, emptiness, mental fatigue, threat, or simply an inability to solve everyday situations. that, if they did not have such burdens, would be easy to solve.

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Some symptoms of carrying too heavy a load that the person is usually not aware of, They manifest themselves in difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, disinterest in doing everyday tasks, or a feeling that doing any task requires more effort and difficulty than normal.

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How to get rid of the burden of painful experiences

To unload the feelings and sensations that prevent you from living a full life, The person must recognize that they have a burden and locate where they picked it up or what caused it.

To do this, the person must, either through psychological therapy, meditation or doing a memory exercise, define when and with whom the difficulty occurredFor example, if it was with the children, parents, partner, nuclear family (parents and siblings) or extended family (cousins, uncles, etc.).

As for the traumatic situationsthese can be problems at work, family separations or divorces, accidents, illnesses and losses of different kindspoint out Mexican psychologists.

Once the traumatic or painful event is identified, The first step is to accept that something is not right and that a solution must be found.

As for the solution, professional help is the most advisable, since A health professional can remind you and reach analysis and conclusions about the causes of heaviness and how to apply strategies to leave behind what hurts us.