How to recognize that a person is emotionally unavailable?

A specialist shares some characteristics that a person who is emotionally unavailable may present. Which are?

We have been understanding that Human beings are social by nature.; although that is not synonymous with their way of relating being healthy. In fact, Some people require extra help to develop emotional intelligence which, in this case, is precisely key to maintaining balanced and healthy relationships.

This is achieved through self-knowledge and psychotherapy; However, it is valid and normal that sometimes difficulties are experienced where it is necessary to recognize that one is not emotionally available.

But what does this mean?

The psychologist from the psychology department of the Rafael Landívar University (Guatemala), considers that the term refers to “people who have repressed intense emotions for a long time, making it difficult to self-regulate and deal with the emotions that other people express to them”.

How to identify them?

According to the specialist, the following five signs are characteristics of a person who is emotionally unavailable:

  1. They walk away. They prefer personal space and avoid social interaction.
  2. They have difficulty expressing emotions. They avoid any situation where they are asked to talk about their emotions and may end up minimizing or questioning other people’s emotions.
  3. They avoid any expression of affection. They show discomfort in expressing or receiving affection, this in response to the fear of dealing with their own emotions and can be evidenced by gestures of irritability.
  4. They are afraid of commitment. They feel threatened in situations that involve emotional commitment in friendship, family, couple or any other close relationships. This attitude is related to insecurity and fear of experiencing pain.
  5. They show difficulties in accepting change.
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Can it be treated?

Yes, through symptom recognition and psychotherapy to address those situations that cause discomfort. If the person accepts help, It is important that your environment accepts and respects your process without any type of judgment..

Assertive communication is also important and will allow the person to express themselves without hurting the emotions of others, as well as to establish personal limits.