Type A personality disorder: what are the signs to identify it?

Personality disorders are classified into three groups: ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’. In this article, we will focus on group ‘A’ made up of people who have the following characteristics.

Personality is made up of all those traits that define how we behave and relate when we are alone and in company; However, when these traits are maladaptive, long-lasting, inflexible and affect people’s functioning, they become personality disorders.

Group ‘A’ characteristics:

They are people who have:

  1. Difficulty showing affection.
  2. Problems socializing.
  3. Instability in your emotions.
  4. Tendency to be independent.
  5. His behavior is perceived as strange and eccentric.

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Some of the personality disorders that are within this group ‘A’ are:

  • Paranoid personality disorder: This is characterized because the person is distrustful, hostile, irritable, resentful and suspicious, that is, he sees malevolent intentions in others.

    In the role of spouse is jealous, suspected infidelity on the part of your partner, you have difficulties for take responsibility for your feelings and frequents a restriction for showing affection. Usually more common in men and can be related with experiences of excessive violence in childhood by their parents or other people.

  • Schizoid personality disorder: It usually presents social isolation, difficulty relating to others, and little interest in having sex; Furthermore, they are people who enjoy being with a few others, even They are not interested in any activity.

    Another of its characteristics is the indifference to praise or criticism from other people and shows emotional coldness. It develops mainly in people in whom, in their childhood they experimented negligence, neglect or unrewarding relationships, which leads them to think that it is not important to relate.

  • Schizotypal personality disorder: It is characteristic because the person does use of magical thinking, strange beliefs, extravagant thinking and languageto the point of tending to confuse fantasy with reality. Since they perceive that they do not fit into the commonly accepted reality, They look for an alternative reality in which they feel betteras well as people who live in that reality and have similar hobbies.
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Treatment for this type of personality disorders:

For the treatment of these disorders, psychotherapy is suggested that allows, first of all, a deep assessment first. Additionally, through social skills techniques, problem solving, stress control and in some cases, pharmacotherapy (such as anxiolytics, antipsychotics or antidepressants, according to medical criteria) this seeks to strengthen social functioning.