What is anorexia, causes, symptoms and prevention

Learn more about this eating disorder that has a higher mortality rate, above other conditions such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, according to the Cofares Foundation and FIT.

The anorexy It is an eating disorder whose The main symptom is the fear of gaining weight or gaining weight.. Exist; In addition, specific symptoms for this condition such as:

  • Have a very distorted body image compared to the real image
  • Routines intense exercise
  • Use of diuretics, laxatives or pills to lose weight.

At the same time, people with anorexia may suffer from depression and confused thinking.

Some physical consequences of the disorder may be having dry mouth and skin and even suffer from osteoporosis. It is also common that, due to fat loss, there is great sensitivity to cold and, therefore, there is the dry skin covered with hair that helps conserve heat.

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This disorder It affects a large number of people worldwide every day., many of whom do not receive treatment or a diagnosis because they do not seek help for this condition. This type of disorder is mostly known in women during their adolescence, but we must not forget that it is something that It can affect adults, men and even children..

There are many influential factors when it comes to living with this disorder, but The best known is linked to the social factor related to the ideal bodies that are displayed in the mass media. such as television and social networks. Other risk factors for anorexia are having gone through an anxiety disorderbe excessively perfectionist, focus attention on the physical or have altered beliefs with reference to the beauty and the healthy.

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There are behavioral signs that you should pay attention to to recognize if you are suffering from some type of eating problem. Some of them can be cut food into very small pieces instead of eating it, exercise routines at multiple times of the day, refuse to eat with other people and go to the bathroom right after eating.

How to prevent it?

There is eating disorders. The first thing to take into account is psychoeducation to eliminate false beliefs about these problems and allow a more assertive approach. For example, the DICE program provides recommendations to work specifically on the topics of diet, body image, communication and exercise.

At home, you can work having an appropriate place for food, accompanied by family, with a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. It is also important, have the same diet for all family members, set clear schedules for the foods and avoid food classification as good or bad.

If necessary, with support from a nutrition specialist Healthy eating habits can be developed.

Lastly, it is essential be alert for any warning signshandle the issue with assertiveness and active listening before the feelings and thoughts that are being experienced, and finally refer to a psychologist to work on it.