What happens if I wash my hair with detergent

Those who suffer from They know they can’t go a day without washing it. This is why if traditional shampoos are not enough and the grease refuses to go, a very effective remedy is baking soda.

If that still doesn’t work, a recommended option is some detergent droplets. Considering that it destroys the grease in the pans, you can give it a try. First apply conditioner to the ends to protect them and then, without rinsing the conditioner, use a coin-sized squirt of soap to massage the scalp, as explained by the portal.


The process of washing your hair with detergent works perfectly

He It stops being sticky and finally the bangs last all day without getting greasy. It is not recommended to use this method frequently because it dries the hair more than baking soda, so it can only be an emergency option.


Washing oily hair too frequently can cause a rebound effect. freepik

Did you know that in addition to washing with detergent there are other ways to treat your hair?. Here we tell you.

3 alternative ways to wash your hair

  • The amount of product equivalent to the size of a hazelnut would be enough for short hair or medium length hair. If you have long hair, adjust this amount to the length of your hair. Distribute the product throughout your hair.
  • : Make a little lather by adding a little water to the product before massaging your scalp in circular motions.


    Having beautiful and healthy hair depends on the daily care we give it.

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5 myths and realities about hair

  • You have to cut the ends to strengthen the hair: FAKE. Cutting your hair has no impact on your strength. Sometimes you get this impression because when damaged ends are cut, your hair looks healthier. It is worth remembering that the hair bulb is responsible for hair growth, not the ends.
  • Oily hair should not be washed more than once a day: TRUE. Washing oily hair too frequently can cause a rebound effect. The reason: the body signals a lack of sebum on the scalp and produces even more. To minimize the effect of excess sebum, choose the winning combination: cold water and shampoo.
  • Men’s hair is different from women’s: FAKE. Contrary to what many people think, male and female hair are absolutely identical. It’s usually the scalp that differs, typically oilier in men. The length of the cut also suggests there is a difference. Since most men have shorter hair, it tends to look healthier.
  • Hair gets used to shampoo, so it should be changed frequently: FAKE. The hair does not get used to the products. What happens is that with time and care, the hair’s needs are covered at any given time. For example, if you have dry hair and you use a care mask, it is very likely that your hair no longer needs hydration. That is why it is important to choose and change products according to the needs of your hair at that moment.
  • If you pluck out one gray hair, two come out: FAKE. When you pluck a gray hair, only one hair comes out in its place, not two. We tend to have the wrong impression that there is a greater amount because the hair growth process is continuous and other hairs also turn white.
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More information about hair