How to get the attention of the person you like – 16 Tips

Getting the attention of the person we are interested in and being attractive in their eyes is something that we all want to achieve and sometimes we don’t know how. We assume that if someone is not initially attracted to us, we will never be able to reverse that situation. Nothing is further from reality.

It is possible to catch the attention of your crush and become interesting and attractive in their eyes, even if at first you feel like you didn’t catch their attention. In this Psychology-online article, we will show you 16 tips on how to get the attention of the person you like in a simple, natural and very effective way.

Law of proximity

If you are wondering how to get the attention of the person you like, you should know that the more contact you have with someone, the more likely you are to be attractive in their eyes. For this reason, some people who frequent the same places, such as work, university or the apartment block where they live, have a better chance of seeing each other and end up being a couple.

It is proven that it exists greater likelihood of being attracted to people we see every day, since continually seeing someone allows us to get to know them more and more and generate bonds that foster greater intimacy and trust. We are surrounded by stimuli that draw our attention every day, so proximity and familiarity make it easier to catch someone’s attention and make them feel attracted to you.

So, a tip to get the attention of the person you like is to generate spontaneous encounters by frequenting the same places or look for some instance that favors proximity between the two of you. The more spaces you share or coincide together, the easier it will be to establish a bond. Seeing each other often increases confidence, which promotes positive emotions and the emergence of love.

Law of familiarity

When we continually encounter someone in various contexts, that person, their face and who they are, becomes increasingly familiar to us, regardless of whether we have never spoken or had any contact with them. The effect of familiarity that is obtained by seeing the same person a lot in different contexts makes that person transmit confidence to us and, therefore, we lower our barriers and defenses with them, which favors the bond and fosters instances of closeness and connection.

To the extent that we often see a person, it reduces to the point of disappearing, as we verify that there is no danger. This causes us to change our disposition as we become more confident and relaxed. Thus, as we perceive someone as more familiar, increases the probability of improving our disposition toward others.

Furthermore, what generates greater attraction is seeing the same stimulus a high number of repetitions, in short periods, because it is more easily recorded in the mind.

Law of similarity

What to do to get the attention of the person you like? We are attracted to what is similar to us, whether it is to ourselves, our environment or our family. We look for the known and unconsciously we recognize ourselves in it.

We can find that similarity that is attractive to us in attitudes, gestures, ways of being, looks, interests, hobbies, personality, etc. This happens because we are all deeply excited by the idea of ​​finding a person with whom we can share everything we are passionate about, someone who matches our values ​​and with whom we can jointly create goals and dreams.

So, a trick to To get the attention of the person you like is to look for similarities with him or her. There are almost always things we have in common, we just have to discover them. Show them, put them into words and make them evident so the other person can see them too.

Law of physical attraction

It is known that everything initially enters through sight. There are many tricks to take advantage of your beauty to attract the attention of the person you like. We all have potential beauty. We just have to optimize it and use it as a tool in our favor. Initially everything enters through the senses of sight and smell, so dressing in something that you feel comfortable in can be a good way to capture the attention of the desired person.

The physical appearance is a key element when it comes to feeling attraction, but something you probably didn’t know is that we don’t just look for what is aesthetically beautiful, we look for what is familiar to us. In the end we end up attracted to that person who has a component that is familiar to us, since we feel that he harmonizes with us.

Law of personality

There are many personality characteristics that we can find attractive about a person and, therefore, find ourselves attracted to them. At a general level, there are two characteristics that are universally extremely attractive to all of us: the social skills and aptitudes that a person possesses.

People who are sociable, warm, happy, close, affectionate and who get along easily with others seem attractive to us, as do people who are intelligent and who excel at work and who have talents or abilities. We feel strongly attracted to those we admire.. A person’s personality can be extremely captivating.

Therefore, another tip to attract the attention of the person you like is to show your abilities, skills and aptitudes. Therefore, a trick to get the attention of the person you like is Show your skills, abilities and abilities.

Law of reciprocity

We tend to be attracted to people who make us feel comfortable with who we are, who reinforce our achievements and abilities, and who help us feel safe and happy with who we are. We seek to admire others, but we also like other people to feel admiration and pride in us.

To the extent that we reinforce the other person, we make them happy and they will want to repeat those behaviors that we like. In addition, positive reinforcement helps the other person feel safe and that helps generate greater bonds. So, to get the attention of the person you like it is important tell him or her what you like about him or her. In this article, you will see.

Law of desirability

We find extremely attractive that which is desirable to us, that seduces us and enchants us. We are all capable of liking whoever we want and Confidence and security in yourself is the basis of attractiveness. To the extent that we feel confident in ourselves and feel attractive, we will transmit that image to the other person.

In that sense, beauty is 100% attitude that we project to others. People who feel comfortable with themselves and happy to be who they are and how they are, seem extremely attractive and desirable to us. Therefore, the biggest trick to get the attention of the person you like is to love yourself. In this article, we tell you.

Law of effort

How to get the attention of the person you like? When we invest time in someone, even if the conquest process is slow, sooner or later it bears fruit. If the person knows your intentions and will probably like the attention and time you give them and that will capture their interest. So, if you want to get someone’s attention, show him that you are interested. In this article, we show you some techniques and .

Bring out your virtues

We all have an innate seducer within ourselves, we just have to discover it and bring it to light. A good way to do it is pay attention to the traits of our character that are attractive in the eyes of others. In order to be attractive to the eyes of the person you like, it is best to be authentic, sincere and at the same time bring your virtues to light.

Really know the other

To the extent that we connect with the other person, we seek to get to know them, see what they are like, who they are, what moves them in life, what they find attractive, etc. On the one hand, we attend to her needs and, on the other, we are showing a real interest in truly getting to know her. That is extremely attractive.

Therefore, if you want to get the attention of your crush, one of the best tips is listen carefully and be interested in really getting to know him: who he is, what he does and what moves him in this life. This allows you to connect with the things that move you and make you vibrate, and it will also allow you to discover similarities between you.

The gift of honesty

Many people lie to us to impress us or to seduce us, but sooner or later the lie comes to light and once it is discovered we begin to distrust everything that follows. It is easy to lose trust in someone, but very difficult to regain it.

Therefore, honesty is a value highly desired and valued by others. To the extent that we are honest, we generate trust and that, without a doubt, favors rapprochement and the formation of bonds. So if you want to get the attention of your crush, be honest. This will generate deeper ties and healthier bonds.

Be open and understanding

Being open, non-judgmental and understanding is essential for the other person to feel comfortable. Open people make us feel safer and happier with who we are, we feel accepted and we can be who we really are without fear. Furthermore, this generates a greater rapprochement with the other.

So, to get the attention of the person you like, try to be as open as possible when getting to know them. Achieving a connection like this is extremely attractive to others because nowadays it is difficult for all of us to connect in that way with others.

Generate intimacy

Intimacy is a very powerful foundation in any type of relationship as it helps us strengthen ties. We talk about intimacy when we refer to a very close relationship of great trust that allows us to access the inner and deeper world of the other person and vice versa.

To get the attention of the person you like, Try to create an intimate space where you can have closeness and trust. Generating instances of conversation, where you can talk about everything, will help strengthen the relationship.

Humor and simplicity

How to get the attention of the person you like? Two key and extremely attractive elements when it comes to conquest are humor and simplicity. Even if we don’t believe it, they are two qualities that stand out in people and they attract a lot of attention.

It is proven that simple people who enjoy life are much more attractive to us than those who appear to be something they are not and who fill their lives with false additions. To get the attention of the person you like, it is best to be as natural, happy and as simple as possible.

The loyalty

Loyalty is one of the most sought-after values ​​when establishing ties, whether loving or friendly. We look for people we trust and who are coherent and consistent with themselves and their values. People who are clear about who they are and what we can expect from them. Therefore, to like and call…

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