What does a black and a red owl mean?

Owl Meaning

See or dream about a owl It can mean many things. In fact, the owls symbolically represent wisdomknowledge, courage, intuition, independent thinking, protection, listening, intelligence and even death in some cultures.


These birds of prey rely on their intuition and intelligence when hunting; he owl They rely on their instincts to find their next meal, and they rely on their intellect to determine which animals to hunt.


The red owl is associated with emotional issues such as anger and even sexuality.

Like the owls They are nocturnal animals, it is very rare to see them in nature during the day. However, if you are lucky enough to come across one, It is not a bad omen; rather, it is a warning of some kind.

Although he owl symbolizes death in some cultures, that death is a symbol of change; of ending something to begin a new beginning, a greater understanding of the world around you and an evolved perspective of what you did not know before.


In short, the encounter with a owl It is related to your intuition and knowledge.

The owl and the colors

He owl It can take various colors, such as brown, gray, white, gold and reddish brown. However, sometimes owls They appear in other colors in dreams. And the color they appear in can mean a few different things.


The black owl has to do with shadows, with the unconscious and with what is not seen at first sight.

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Black Owl Meaning

He owl black symbolizes shadow work, or the unconscious mind which allows certain information to surface in the conscious mind so that it can be worked on.


Red Owl Meaning

While the owls reddish brown in color exist in nature, see a owl strictly red in a dream is related to issues relating to emotional and physical healthproblems at home, anger, and even sexuality.

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