What does it mean when your left ear burns?

Why does your ear burn, whether it’s the right or the left?

Some say that if your right ear becomes hot and red it is because they are speaking positive things, however, if it is the left ear it is because they are defaming you or you are being criticized.

That the ears become hot and red at certain times is due to external temperature changes or emotional causes, such as shame, guilt or nervousness. Alcohol consumption is also an important factor, since it is a dilator of blood vessels.


What does it mean when your left ear burns?

How to prevent your ears from turning red

Some specialists say that an allergic reaction can cause your ears and face to become hot and red. For example, dust mites or pollen can develop redness.

In this sense, it is advised that if the ear turns red frequently, you should go to an otolaryngologist or neurologist. In addition, your blood pressure must be stable and stress must be avoided.

What are the causes

These are some of the causes that can cause the ears to become red and hot.

  • Anger problems: Instead of externalizing anger, people try to hide it and the body reacts, unleashing the phenomenon of red and hot ears. However, externalizing anger is not always the solution to avoid this discomfort.
  • Humiliation: Red, hot ears in children and adults are often considered the body’s response to a humiliation or embarrassment.
  • Stress: Stress and anxiety can cause a person to experience the sensation of heat in the ear. ‘Hot ear’ attacks are more common in people who suffer from anxiety disorders. In stressful situations, their faces turn red.
  • Allergic reaction: Red, hot ears can also be the result of an acute, intense allergic reaction to a metal or any other object. Some people have the habit of scratching their ears with a pen, key or pencil, an action that not only turns the ear red, but can also cause an infection.
  • Food allergies: Certain types of food and drink products can cause a mild allergic reaction, manifested by red, hot ears. There have been reports of people suffering from unusually red hot ears due to alcohol or caffeine intake.
  • Medicines: Red, hot ear can also occur as a reaction to certain medications. People who take prescription medications for high blood pressure may suffer from red hot ear syndrome.
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