The meaning of receiving a butterfly in your house

The Christian religion sees butterfly as a symbol of Resurrection, while for him Feng Shui butterflies are a symbol of love and freedom. You can decorate any room in your home with ornaments that capture the beauty of these creatures to attract those changes that you need so much, in addition to filling you with positive energy.

For some cultures, the butterfly It represents resistance, change, hope and life. Although there are also stories that tell that butterflies, especially those that are dark in color, symbolize the death of a loved one or life struggles.


The arrival of a butterfly at home can have different meanings.

What is a fact and something that everyone agrees on is that these insects are a symbol of transformation. Butterflies teach us the importance of change and that to become something great you must be patient and have faith. The miraculous thing about this transformation is that to become a butterfly, the caterpillar destroys itself. It wraps itself in a cocoon and undergoes a completely new rebirth.


Each color of butterflies has a special meaning.

Seeing a butterfly means you are on a spiritual journey

An important aspect of life is learning to let things go and embark on new journeys. This is a key factor in our personal growth and successful. The butterfly helps symbolize this idea by showing us that to become a butterfly you must first stop being a caterpillar.

In certain religious cultures, butterflies are seen as messages sent from an entity from a spiritual world. This could be an angel or spirit trying to communicate with you about something.

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The beauty of this is that when you leave you receive a message from a spiritual entity; You will immediately know what it is. It is never an explicit message. It could be a reminder to do something you’ve been putting off.

So you already know; When you see a butterfly hovering around your home, don’t scare it away, let it fly happily. Especially in these times of chaos, will bring love and faith into your life.


It is interesting to know that there are different types of butterflies and each of them has a different symbolism that makes them unique and special. The most common butterflies are usually white, black, yellow, violet, blue, among others.

What does the visit of a butterfly mean according to its color?

  • White: a white butterfly is always associated with the purity and goodness. It means that something positive will come into your life. If this insect is very close to you you will have good luck. Some consider that if it appears in the home it is synonymous with happiness since it represents innocence, childhood, divinity and stability.
  • Black: Black is generally represented by darkness, bad luck, some even associate black butterflies with the sign of death. However, it is true that he represents small setbacks and obstacles, but many believe that the appearance of one of these, They symbolize the path to answers that one was looking for.
  • Violet: it is very common for this color to mark the balancethe harmony and the stability. A violet butterfly can mean that everything in the present is in synchronization and good relationship with the people around you.
  • Green: mark the reconciliation with someone from the past. The appearance of this butterfly can mean that it is time to get closer to people who were far away for some reason or another.
  • Yellow: the word that best describes the color yellow is success. When you see a yellow butterfly it means that a new life cycle, But to do this you have to leave the past behind.
  • Red: it is a symbol of excellence in the lovethe happiness and the passion. A red butterfly is the greatest sign of love that can appear in the life of a human being. However, you also have to be careful, since it can be associated with a situation of danger.
  • Brown: this color warns of the arrival of some enemies that will appear along the way. The important thing is to be alert to discover who they are. Eye! Sometimes they are closer than you think.
  • Turquoise or blue: It is time to feel honored if you came across a butterfly in blue or turquoise tones, since it is a sign that everything is going to be fine and will thrive. It’s like a good luck charm.
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