What are cognitive distortions: how to identify and overcome them –

The cognitive distortions They are thought patterns that can lead to inaccurate interpretations of reality and unnecessary negative emotions. They are automatic thoughts that arise in the mind without us realizing it and, if not addressed, can negatively affect our daily lives and mental health.

Because they are important: It is important to know cognitive distortions and learn to identify them because they can influence our perception of reality, our decisions and our emotions. If left untreated, cognitive distortions can contribute to mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression.

How they relate to mental health: Cognitive distortions can have a significant impact on our mental health. If left unrecognized and untreated, they can lead to negative and dysfunctional thinking patterns that can increase the risk of mental health problems. Learning to identify and address cognitive distortions can improve quality of life and prevent mental health problems in the future.

Types of cognitive distortions

  • Polarized vision Polarized vision is a cognitive distortion that involves seeing things in extreme terms. People who have a polarized vision tend to see situations in terms of “all or nothing”, without taking into account the complexity of reality. This cognitive distortion can be harmful because it can lead to impulsive and poorly reasoned decisions.
  • Overgeneralization. Overgeneralization is a cognitive distortion that involves drawing general conclusions from a single experience or event. For example, if someone fails at a task, he may overgeneralize and think that he can never succeed at anything. This cognitive distortion can be harmful because it can lead to low self-esteem and lack of motivation.
  • Personalization. Personalization is a cognitive distortion that involves taking responsibility for external events that are not under our control. For example, if someone ignores you in a meeting, you can personalize it and think that he did it because he doesn’t like you. This cognitive distortion can be harmful because it can lead to low self-esteem and a feeling of lack of control over life.
  • Catastrophic thinking. Catastrophic thinking is a cognitive distortion that involves thinking about worst-case scenarios, even if they are unrealistic. For example, if someone is late for an appointment, he may think that something bad has happened to him instead of considering the possibility of a traffic delay. This cognitive distortion can be harmful because it can increase unnecessary anxiety and fear.
  • Filtered out. Filtering is a cognitive distortion that involves focusing only on the negative aspects of a situation and ignoring the positive aspects. For example, if someone receives constructive criticism, they may focus only on the criticism and not pay attention to the positive aspects of their work. This cognitive distortion can be harmful because it can lead to a negative self-perception and lack of self-esteem.
  • Thought reading. Mind reading is a cognitive distortion that involves believing that you know what others are thinking, even if there is no evidence to support it. For example, if someone doesn’t return your call, you may think that he is angry with you without having evidence to support that belief. This cognitive distortion can be harmful because it can lead to poor communication and misunderstandings.
  • Divination of the future. Fortune telling is a cognitive distortion that involves believing that you know what will happen in the future, even if there is no evidence to support it. For example, if someone doesn’t respond to a message, you may think that he is no longer interested in you without having evidence to support that belief. This cognitive distortion can be harmful because it can lead to anxiety and anticipation of negative events that may not be realistic. It can also lead to avoidance of situations that are perceived as threatening, which can limit opportunities and ability for personal growth.
  • You should. This cognitive distortion refers to the tendency to think that things should be a certain way and often involves an unfair demand towards oneself or others. For example, a person may think “I should be more productive at my job” or “my partner should be more understanding.” This cognitive distortion can be problematic because it can lead to frustration, anger, and despair when things don’t go as planned. In addition, it can generate feelings of guilt and self-demand that can be unrealistic and unhealthy. To combat this cognitive distortion, it is important to question these beliefs and replace them with more realistic and less demanding thoughts. For example, instead of thinking “I should be more productive at my job,” you might think “I’d like to be more productive at my job, but it’s okay if I don’t accomplish everything today.” In this way, emotional burden and self-demand can be reduced, and a more realistic and positive perspective on reality can be developed. How to identify and overcome them Overcoming cognitive distortions may require conscious and persistent effort, but it can help improve mental health and quality of life.
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Identify and overcome cognitive distortions

Here are some tips that can help you overcome cognitive distortions:

  1. Identify cognitive distortions: The first step to overcome cognitive distortions is to identify them. Pay attention to your thoughts and look for recurring patterns or themes that may be causing negative or distorted thoughts.
  2. Question your thoughts: Once you have identified cognitive distortions, question your negative or distorted thoughts. Ask yourself if there are other ways to interpret the situation or if you are exaggerating the importance of something.
  3. Look for evidence: If you have a negative thought, look for evidence to support it. If you can’t find any evidence, try to think of more realistic ways of looking at the situation.
  4. Use the cognitive restructuring technique: This technique consists of identifying negative thinking, questioning it and replacing it with a more realistic one. For example, if you have the thought “I’m a failure,” you can replace it with “I’ve made mistakes, but that doesn’t make me a failure.”
  5. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness can help you pay attention to the present moment and reduce rumination on negative thoughts. Practice mindfulness through meditation, conscious breathing, or yoga.
  6. Seek support: Talking to a friend or mental health professional can help you gain perspective and overcome cognitive distortions. Ask for help if you need it.
  7. Practice self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. Identify what is bothering you and think of ways to address those issues constructively.

In short, overcoming cognitive distortions may take effort and time, but it can help you improve mental health and have a more positive and realistic outlook on life.

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  1. Cognitive distortions are common in everyday life and can affect a person’s mental health.
  2. Identifying and challenging cognitive distortions can help improve mental health and reduce anxiety and depression.
  3. Cognitive distortions can be the result of past experiences, such as trauma or learned thought patterns.
  4. Cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective approach to treating cognitive distortions, as it helps people identify and change their negative thought patterns.
  5. Cognitive distortions can affect the way a person perceives social situations and can interfere with their ability to establish and maintain healthy relationships.

It is important to note that cognitive distortions are not pathologies or mental illnesses, but rather they are common thought patterns that can affect the way we perceive and process information. Recognizing these cognitive distortions can help us question our thoughts and develop a more objective and realistic perspective on reality.

Additionally, it is possible to learn to change these distorted thinking patterns through cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques and meditation and mindfulness practices. By questioning our thoughts and replacing them with more objective and realistic thoughts, we can improve our ability to manage stress, make informed decisions, and improve our quality of life.