The trick to lose weight without effort that you can apply in your daily life

It is here (again and like every beginning of the year) the operation bikini. Many want lose weight and some search the internet for miraculous diets but the truth is that it is better to eat well than to eat little. In addition to doing a little exercise (and, if you want, following a diet) there are other tricks that you can put into practice in your day to day and that can help you get rid of those extra kilos with little effort and without damaging you .

Take the stairs, avoid the elevator

It does not matter if you live in a first or in a fifth. If you take the stairs every day and avoid the elevator, you will gain in health and quality of life and you will lose weight. The first day will cost you more but as you get used to it you will start to feel better every day.

Leave the car far from the office

Do you have a parking space at the office? Do you leave the car and sit in front of the computer? So start changing those habits. Walking is one of the best exercises you can practice, but it is clear that if you do not force yourself, you will never do it. Leaving the car a little further from work gives you an excuse to walk a bit (even if you have to get up a few more minutes early). The World Health Organization says that 15,000 steps should be walked every day. On many occasions in our daily lives we do not even reach 5,000 and that generates stress and worsens our health.

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Wear a bracelet that counts steps

You can use a bracelet or simply an application on your mobile phone. Any mechanism is fine. The point is that you start to “challenge yourself”. Take it as a game and challenge your resistance by trying to reach the 15,000 steps recommended by the experts every day.

Use the fruit as a snack

Many of the worst meals we eat every day (the most fattening) are typical “between meals.” That is why it is advisable to avoid eating sweets or industrial pastries at mid-morning or mid-afternoon. Take with you a banana, a tangerine or an apple. If you do, you will meet two objectives: you will have a healthier snack and you will eat the five pieces of fruit that are recommended to be eaten each day.

dinner soon

The calories at night are the ones you burn the least. After dinner you do not exercise so it is advisable to have dinner for a while before going to sleep and choose a light dish. It is also not good to drink alcohol. The famous “empty calories” of gin or rum will prevent you from losing weight and getting to the bikini operation on time.

Sleep more

Try to go to bed earlier. Sleeping and being rested is essential to exercise during the day: if you don’t rest you’ll be lazier and you won’t feel like walking or climbing stairs. Do you know what are the best sleeping positions? .

And if you have fruit or cheese for breakfast? Eliminating ultra-processed products can help you lose weight. Do you know what real food is? Here we explain it to you. Nutritionists say that eating makes you not feel hungry mid-morning or mid-afternoon, so you avoid breakfast and mid-morning buns.

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give up sugar

If you remove the sugar from the coffee it will taste a little less sweet but you can get used to it. The studies of nutritionists denounce more and more in our day to day. If you give up the two tablespoons that you put in your coffee, for example, it is something that you are subtracting to achieve your goal of lose weight in the bikini operation.

Use the bike for short trips

On short journeys, the bicycle can be a perfect ally: it does not pollute, it does not waste and it can be parked anywhere. And if you try to drive it?

kitchen at home

It has been studied that if you cook at home you eat less meat and fat. Take food from home to the office and avoid eating at fast food restaurants. Set yourself a goal, for example, to eat only once a month at a hamburger joint.