The Slide Solution, an aid to put on and take off compression stockings and socks –

/p>Conscious of putting on and taking off therapeutic compression stockings and socks It is difficult for many people, especially for the elderly or with mobility problems, the signature Arion has developed The Slide Solutiona solution that facilitates this task.
And it is that the products The Slide Solution are made with a sliding material covered with a special layer that reduces friction significantly, thus minimizing physical effort suffered by patients and caregivers when performing this task.
Its simplicity and ease of use allows patients greater freedom and independence, making putting on and taking off compression socks and stockings in an easier and less exhausting process. The use of this technical aid ends the physical overexertion that this work entails, both for patients and assistants, and that can have a negative effect on therapeutic compliance.
The wide range of The Slide Solution allows each user to find the most convenient product based on their needs and requirements.
The following videos show how The Slide Solution Makes it easy to put on and take off therapeutic compression stockings and stockings.

Arion Iberia

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