CRE Alzheimer’s videos: how to put people with Alzheimer’s to bed? – Geriatric

the moment of lie down It can be, for many caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s, problematic and a source of conflict and stress, since sometimes the patient does not want to go to bed, becomes disoriented in their own room or because they want to go to sleep before the recommended time.
Conscious of this, he CRE Alzheimer’s has edited some videos with useful recommendations on how to act in certain conflicts that arise in this regard and the best way to address them. So, Gloria Teresa Zapata Osorio (Physiotherapist), Natalia Rosillo Carretero (occupational therapist) and Carmen Recio Alfons (nursing assistant) rThey recommend following these steps at bedtime:

  • Keep the same room in which you are used to sleeping. If a bed is shared with the spouse, giving rise to rest difficulties, the option of keeping the same room but with separate beds can be given.
  • Ensure that the bedding is clean and the bed made, without wrinkles, with an adequate height of the pillow, etc.
  • It is important that the person can turn on the light from the bed to avoid having to get up in the dark.
  • Put the slippers around the house near the bed.
  • It is preferable to maintain some routines in the schedules to go to sleep and do a temporal-spatial orientation.
  • If the person has not yet put on their pajamas when it is time to go to sleep, we tell them to take them from their drawer and, if necessary, we will provide them ourselves. It must be remembered that if the person preserves the necessary capacities, personal autonomy will always be fostered.
  • To put on pajamas, it is recommended to follow the same guidelines as in the dress activity: .
  • Having good postural hygiene once lying in bed, making sure that the bedding (sheets, blanket and/or quilt) is well placed.
  • We can leave a light in the corridor or the one in the nearest bathroom on to avoid possible falls and disorientation in case you get up at night.
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The correct way to put people with Alzheimer’s to bed

Wrong way to put people with Alzheimer’s to bed

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