Adsalutem Sleep Institute, first phase of implementation in Catalonia

Adsalutem Instituto del Sueño has completed a first phase of implementation of its healthcare services in Catalonia with the start-up of the Sleep Units of the Sant Josep Clinic in Manresa, the CIMA Hospital and the Sagrada Familia Clinic, in Barcelona, ​​and in the Àptima Center Clinic, in Terrassa.

Since its commissioning more than 700 patients with various sleep disorders They have gone through these new units privately or thanks to the agreements between the centers themselves and the main insurance companies. And AdSalutem plans to continue expanding its services with the creation of new Sleep Units in other medical centers both in Catalonia and in the rest of Spain.

In the Adsalutem Sleep Institute units, sleep disorders associated with underlying pathologies such as cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s or cardiovascular pathologies are treated.

The professional team of these Sleep Units is made up of sleep medicine experts from different specialties such as neurology, pulmonology, psychology and pediatrics, as well as respiratory technicians and physiotherapists who complete the care service
from each center.

Among others, these centers address the treatment of
major sleep disorders
such as apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS), insomnia, restless legs syndrome (RLS), parasomnias, excessive daytime sleepiness (ESD), etc., and work in coordination with the rest of the therapeutic team of the different centers , offering a personalized diagnosis.

Also, special emphasis is placed on the sleep disorders associated with underlying pathologies relevant – such as the cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s, cardiovascular pathologies, etc., in which the achievement of a quality rest can be a fundamental factor for
achieve a better quality of life or contribute to the positive evolution of the disease.

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These units are equipped with state-of-the-art technology for the performance of diagnostic tests requiring hospital admission, such as nocturnal videopolysomnography (VPSG), consisting of the sleep study of the patient admitted overnight; respiratory nocturnal polygraphy (PRN), for the study of snoring and sleep apnea; multiple latency and wakefulness teststo measure the severity of daytime sleepiness; actigraphywhich provides information on the structure of sleep through the physical activity and movements that the patient performs during his normal daily life.

“The sleep disorders have become for years a real public health problem It affects up to 30% of the population of our country. We want to contribute to providing solutions and improving some pathologies that until now have not received enough attention” affirms the Dr Antoni Estevepromoter of the project . «The materialization of these collaboration agreements with clinics and reference centers for the implementation of specialized Sleep Units in their facilities adds value to their list of services and allows us to bring our specialists closer to patients, adults and children, of all the country”Add.

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