The difficulties that I feel with my genital organs show me a fear, or a guilt, shame, mistrust, regrets, anger, in relation to my sexuality. This area is linked to my gonads (the testicles in men, the ovaries in women) and the sexual energy linked to sexuality is very powerful since its primary objective is to perpetuate the species. However, you may use this energy with bad intentions. The notion of pleasure linked to sexuality puts me in touch with one of my fundamental needs, pleasure, and connects me with my wounded inner child.

Thus, my sexuality can lead me to highlight these fearsare woundsthese rejections that are part of me. I may not accept myself in the body (sex) that I am, I may experience an internal conflict between my physical desires and those of a religious or spiritual nature; if I’m afraid to say “no” and if I have sex to avoid being rejected, fear of losing someone’s love, only with a selfish goal.

There is a confusion or an inner conflict, a difficulty in communication and sharing. Furthermore, if my parents wanted a boy and I am a girl or vice versa (or if I myself would have liked more to be of the other sex), this can lead me to experience genital problems because I reject a part of my sexuality and I may feel guilty for being who I am.

I must remove all guilt so that my sexuality becomes the expression of my loving qualities and the care I bring to others. It is important that love is present in my sexual experiences and also every time I look in a mirror to accept myself more and more as I am.

A very important area of ​​contact and relationship in women, the vagina. It is of ectodermal origin, as well as the cervix. We are in the notion of: “I am not in contact with the loved one”. It’s not the child, it’s the couple: “I am not in contact with my partner”. When suddenly I am in contact, something is being repaired, and it can be repaired with the papilloma virus. Today it is said that this papilloma virus is the origin of cervical cancer.


Conflict: Separation conflict. Lived in feminine. Sexual frustration during the act. Put up with the intrusion of the other’s family.
resent: “I am not in contact with the loved one.” I am not in contact with my partner. “I let in the family of the other who are about…”

Vaginal dryness: Sexual desire is experienced with guilt: “I must not attract the male.” Pleasure is prohibited while biologically it is a vital necessity. Rejection of penetration: Because, for example, we want to punish our partner.

Labia majora: Forced sexual relationship conflict. Itching and fungus in the healing phase. She feels manipulated, not valued. Not giving yourself the right to sexual intercourse.


carcinomatous ulcer: In right-handed women (or left-handed women only possible in case of schizophrenic constellation, hormonal alteration, menopause or amenorrhea): Sexual conflict of being deprived of copulation (effeminate men) and territorial conflict (postmenopausal left-handed woman). Conflict of not being able to, not having to reach the consummation of the sexual act. It represents vulnerability.

Vaginal itching: Linked to the sexuality of women and the feminine principle. If I have an itch, something is worrying me when it comes to my sexual relations, my partner makes me lose patience, I want more or less contact. Just as I would do in the case of ordinary irritations, I ask myself what irritates me, itches and bothers me. When the itching appears, I find the cause and I learn to communicate, to dialogue with an open heart to express what I feel.

Most of the problems in the vagina are related to the sexual life of the woman because they mainly prevent her from having sexual intercourse. They tell her that she wants to have a more satisfying sex life, but her perception of her sexuality needs to be reviewed. She feels used, sexually manipulated, and unappreciated. The anger that this woman feels is a consequence of not giving herself the right not to want sexual relations.

Your body tells you that what you learned or decided regarding sexuality does not benefit you; Maybe it did at one point, but not anymore. It is possible that, because you are a dominant woman, they take advantage of you when you are not the one who decides when to have sex. Instead of believing that you and your body are being abused, your body would rather you feel wanted. If you feel manipulated, acknowledge that you are also manipulating in other areas and that your intentions, like those of your partner, are not bad. If your sex life is unsatisfactory because of childhood sexual abuse, your body tells you that it doesn’t do you any good to block yourself, because that way you continue to live the fears of the past. The process of forgiveness is the fastest and most effective means to free oneself from the events experienced.

Vaginismus and Frigidity

Conflict: Fear. Denial of pleasure. Belive that sexuality is bad. Insensitive sexual partners. Fear of father (father figure, could even be God). Penetration is the representation of an invading foreign body.
resent: “I feel invaded by the other”
New thought model: I am safe when I enjoy my own body. I’m glad to be a woman.

The frigidity It is the medical term used to indicate the absence of pleasure in women during sexual intercourse. It should not be confused with the term anorgasmia, which represents the absence of orgasm, but not sexual pleasure.

The woman who suffers from frigidity is one who, from childhood, decides to avoid pleasure, whatever the type. In general, he is a person with a rigid character who seeks to avoid all feelings. She has an unconscious fear of being warm. On the other hand, this person has a great need to live a normal sexual life, perhaps even more than most women. The great control that she exercises over herself in her sexual aspect will lead her to lose control in another area.


You probably think that pleasure is synonymous with sinof wrong and wrong. These beliefs must be very strong for you to have managed to control yourself in this way. However, it is important to realize that every human being has their own limits and when you reach yours, you will lose control. If it is not in sex, it will happen in something else: alcohol, food, tears, uncontrolled crises, the body that trembles…

The fact of not experiencing sexual pleasure punishes you much more than your partner. Give yourself permission to be the warm person your heart desires. You are like a bomb about to explode. Grant yourself the right to feel pleasure, it will be a rebirth for you, a new life.

Generally, there is a deep trauma or an inner conflict. Fear is at the center of this state: fear of my sexual urges and pleasure that might make me appear “indecent”, fear of abandoning myself and losing control. I am afraid of “losing something” “by submitting to sexuality. Actually, it is about the fear of facing what I hide inside of me. When this fear is present, I often believe that I am ugly and worthless. I am ashamed and deeply guilty. This often results from childhood sexual abuse, or from parental conditioning that “sex is bad” or from the belief that “sex and love don’t go together.”

These perceptions may be hidden in the unconscious, I wish to withdraw from all participation, reject sexuality without knowing why in a conscious way. The education I received has a great impact on my frigidity. Was sexuality considered degrading and representative of the lowest instincts of the human being? Have I heard of resignation and submission in the face of sexual relations, with the understanding that there was no pleasure? Was I sexually abused in my childhood? If so, I unconsciously reject my sexuality and find it difficult to let myself be touched without feeling fear and disgust.

I become aware that there is nothing indecent in sexuality. On the contrary, when it is expressed between consenting couples who live in a relationship of acceptance and deep love, it is beautiful and healthy. I agree to open up to my partner, express my fears, my fears. I agree to tell you my needs. I understand that sexuality is part of my physical dimension and that it is a source of development for my evolution.


The definition that follows relates to the person who, during a sexual relationship, can’t reach orgasmthe highest degree of sexual pleasure.


resent: “I’m afraid of losing control” If the sensations of pleasure leave me, I am in danger. The orgasm is like a dream, the more one seeks the less one finds. In some cases a shame conflict can be observed, for example when alcohol or other drugs are required to be able to feel and maintain the sexual relationship.

As the orgasm represents the opening of all the energy centers of the body (the chakras), the person who suffers from this blockade uses the absence of orgasm to reject what comes from the other. It does not open to the other person’s gift. You have difficulty accepting what comes from the opposite sex. He prefers to control himself instead of abandoning himself and enjoying his presence. In general, he is a domineering person. On the other hand, since the physical orgasm is synonymous with pleasure, it is difficult for this person to allow themselves pleasure in their daily life without feeling guilty.

If you think you are punishing the other by blocking your orgasm, you are following the wrong path because it is you who is punishing yourself. The orgasm is the means par excellence to merge with the opposite sex and, therefore, to open yourself to the internal fusion of your feminine and masculine principles. In addition, a sexual relationship is a very energizing experience when you live in love and in the gift of yourself. The physical orgasm exists to remind you of the great fusion of soul and spirit to which we all aspire.

Learn to love yourself more and accept the idea that you deserve to have pleasures in your life. It is your responsibility to create a pleasant life for yourself. Others cannot give you what you cannot give yourself (spiritual law of cause and effect). It would help you learn to relax, to abandon yourself more, instead of believing that if you don’t control, others will control you.

Absence of Desire

resent: Disgust conflict. Example: The image of my body bothers me. Feeling guilty when performing the sexual act. Guilt for abortions (Observe the Transgenerational tree). The representation that a woman is a whore often produces a sexual block.

The female pains They tell me that I have difficulties in accepting being a woman. I don’t even know how to express my femininity. I’m afraid to submit. However, I grew up in an environment of women who had to be “strong”, make decisions… In fact, they wore the pants (it is said the person who directs or has the authority, for example in the home. Thus, when it is the woman who wear the pants at home, this means that she is the one who directs and makes the main decisions in the home). Did I live in an environment where women were subjugated and had abdicated their…