Many times we find ourselves in dramatic situations of poverty and it seems that it does not affect us; everything continues as if that were normal. The world is not going badly because of the wickedness of the bad, but because of the apathy of the good.

Serving means getting out of our comfort zone. This is the main reason why people find it difficult to serve, because they don’t want to change their comfort, because they believe that their occupations are more important, and to believe that is a wrong way of living.

A life without service is meaningless. And probably the biggest obstacle you live with today is wanting to be more than others. The thought of today’s world is that the greatness of a person is that others serve us, because if you can pay for the service, it means that you are someone important.

Service has an intimate relationship with spiritual and material growth. Service being an act of disinterested labor, where you voluntarily give the best you have for other people without ambition; it is an act of nobility. So when someone needs you, reach out to them or give them a word of encouragement.

Every day we have the opportunity to help someone. You may think this means doing something great for someone else, but that’s not what it’s about. Every day we have the opportunity to be from the depth of the Interior, a pure channel of light and love, with altruistic acts.


You don’t have to go anywhere to be able to help, realize the people around you, who need comfort, who need encouragement, need a hug, or just need a kind word; they are people who need to meet merciful people.

Maybe there is someone who needs something from you, you can give, there are even people who just need to be heard. If we knew everything that a smile can do to another, or what a kind word could reach someone else, we have a power that we have not yet learned to use.

The world is complex, and we are all related by sometimes invisible links. If one is in danger, all are.

Solidarity and mutual aid are the best way to face problems. So don’t hesitate to help your neighbor, your client or even the store across the street, the one that apparently has nothing to do with you.

“Every day is an opportunity to serve.”

By Aleja Bama