This technique is for all those people who, without having been initiated into disciplines such as Reiki, Magnified Healing, Golden Light or others, wish to collaborate by sending energy from a distance. However, if you wish, feel free to use or modify it according to your feelings.

Technique to send energy to another person

Get prepared

Find a quiet place where it is difficult to be interrupted. Take a comfortable position, whether meditating or just sitting; the important thing is that your spine stays vertical.

Close your eyes. Inhale and exhale as many times as necessary until you reach a state of stillness, peace, and relaxation. It is recommended that such inhalations and exhalations be slow and long.

Once you have reached a state of relaxation and feel comfortable with the position adopted, connect with your source, with that To be better the one your heart worships (God, Jehovah, Buddha, Divinity, the Universe, etc.). Give thanks for the privilege that has been granted to you and ask for guidance and protection for the channeling that you are going to carry out.


Keeping your eyes closed, your breathing calm and your comfortable position, visualize to your own heart like a great drop of water. Try to make this process as leisurely as possible, feeling every detail as vivid as possible.

Feel how this great drop of water moves and supports itself, almost as if it were an independent being. Appreciate how within it, are all your experiences, all your experiences. Notice how, as you breathe, this large droplet acquires peace.


Be aware that this peace is being provided by you. After a period of contemplation of this reality, notice how everything around you, including the supposed empty spaces, are big drops of water, like your heart.

Notice how they interact and caress each other. Feel how the peace of your drop affects and reassures the others. Enjoy this state that you have caused. After a moment of contemplation of this reality, visualize a large drop that is just above your head.

Distinguish within it the List of Requests that you previously saw or recognize it as the heart of that being or specific situation that you want to affect.

Feel how the entire Universe is completely filled with these drops. Notice how these drops are all connected and are actually an indivisible part of one great, peaceful ocean.

Very slowly, notice how, without being disturbed, without losing the state of peace that you caused, this great drop that is on your head, moves downwards. Feel how it comes and very slowly merges with the great drop of your heart.

None disappear, they only coexist in the same physical place. He feels how they both tune in and adopt the same qualities, emphasizing peace.


Keeping your eyes closed, your breathing calm, and your position comfortable, begin to channel as follows:

Each calm inhalation and exhalation represents one breath cycle. In the first cycle, she mentally affirms: Thank you. The affirmation “thank you” produces acceptance. Acceptance feels very powerful on the in breath.

In the second cycle, mentally affirm: I’m sorry. The affirmation “I’m sorry” produces liberation. The release feels very powerful on the exhale.


In the third cycle, mentally affirm: I love you. The affirmation “I love you” produces unity. Unity makes the cycle a whole.

Feel how each affirmation affects both your drop and the drop that came down from your head. Repeat, slowly and deliberately, these series of cycles, until, without counting, they merge. Finally each cycle will include the three affirmations.

As you inhale it is “Thank you” and you feel acceptance. As you exhale it is “I’m sorry” and you feel release. And the whole cycle is “I love you” which produces unity. Continue this process until you feel that it has been enough.

Log off

Very slowly, let the drops fall back into place. She feels how they became aware of how beautiful they lived. Feel how they became aware that they can always live like this. Reconnect with your Source.

Thanks for the privilege. Thanks for the guide. Thanks for the protection. Thanks for the experience. Very slowly you open your eyes. Without rushing, you rejoin and go back to your routine, knowing that something has changed in you. namaste

Source: Spiritual Universe