The meaning of dreams according to Sigmund Freud – with examples!



Recurring dreams about losing something, objects, clothes, flights, people I was going to meet, I am always lost in those dreams and already within the same dream I know that I will not find my house. I always find myself in very poor places and very poor people help me.



What does it mean that they kill me with a firearm?

Mario Alberto Wayar


What does it mean to sleep and wake up when they call you by your name and everyone sleeps?

Jose Luis


What does it mean that in the dream I get lost and I don’t know where I am, and that I mention a phone number that I haven’t had in years?



Hello, good day, I would like you to interpret a dream of my wife’s, she dreamed of her brother who died a few months ago, the case is that she dreamed of him and his sisters, all happy, but his teeth were bad. Deep in her story, she tells me that he asked them what his brother had died months before. I don’t know if he can help me

Dubraskha Diaz


My daughter is sick, I dreamed that they were looking for her and I was afraid in the dream that they would find her but we were in our house and I locked the door and told the person to leave that I would call her later and my husband was cooking and when we turned through the large, wide door that led to the patio, as it was open, birds of all sizes and colors began to arrive, but one by one, that is, one arrived, the other arrived, the other arrived, that made him happy.

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Ruben Caceres Chavez


I have this book by Sigmund Freud interpretation of dreams



Yesterday I dreamed about my deceased mother, who was helping me wash some white clothes that my sister and I had gotten dirty at that time.




Rosa Zegarra


Your page is very good. Xfv tell me what it means to dream that your husband tells you that he is leaving the house, and this was on January 1, 22.



And I dreamed of an ex who I was with him for a long time, many years I dreamed of a bad thing that we spent in the dream to be together and in the end we ended up together the dream escape shooting kidnapping leaving the country to escape…..

paola lasso


I would like to know the meaning of the dream I had, I went down to the beach alone and I see a beautiful mare that comes running towards me, at first I am afraid and I stay still without moving out of fear, but the mare approaches me and surrounds me. If she hugged me like she was loving me, I also caressed her and had a good time, then the mare lay down and gave birth to a little pony, just like her. What would that mean?



Hello, here is a dream that I want to know its interpretation,
I was sitting on a little wall having a beer, with my head down and then I get up and I’m going to enter my friend’s house where I live, and the moment I’m going to enter I see my nephew without a shirt and he gave me a beer, but I had not realized that he gave me the beer and when I heard someone talking and advising my nephew, I turned around and it was my nephew’s father. When I continued towards the house I saw the refrigerator and Nothing was in the kitchen, they had taken it. I asked what happened to my things. Who is taking them without my permission? Then I saw that they were taking out the bed where I slept for many years and I didn’t understand why. When I went out to the door, I said. WHO TAKES MY THINGS WITHOUT PERMISSION? And I saw my mother who told me (My mother is with you)….!!! I said but I’m not understanding and I woke up with that my mom is with you….? And the one who took my things in the dreams was my mother… My mother is 8 months old, she passed away and my grandmother is also deceased,,? Someone help me interpret the dream, please

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Julio Tapia Sanchez

06/01/2021 My wife lives with someone else and I dream about her almost always and it will be approximately 2 months. He sent me a friend request on social media

Angelica Pena


I dream repeatedly of the sea
Sometimes I calm down. Sometimes with giant waves approaching, never always afraid of crystal clear water… and the wave never reaches me.
This time I saw the wave getting bigger but it was dark and I was worried because I knew my parents were near the beach.
I ran to see them…the black water was coming up the streets. I went into an alley and the water didn’t reach me. I looked through a broken tambourine and saw the beach divided in two by a rock wall… in the part that was left closed there were many people floating like dead flies in the water… that part of the sea was already calm… but still black
On the other side the waves continued and I saw my grandparents and my parents trying to get out.
And I just thought that they wouldn’t make it because the sea was receding.

Cheer up


I dreamed that my ex was going to my house to pick up the rest of his belongings. Then he was on a terrace dragging 3 mattresses and some shoes in his other hand. after he was going out with a friend and there he was looking at me

Franklin Mejia


I dreamed that I was driving a tractor at first it did not start I had unloaded the product it was loading while I was not its driver the vehicle had to be moved from where it was I moved it from the place, then I found myself moving the same vehicle in the company of a person who I am on the way and at the same time he explains to me how to drive the vehicle to a place with a different load in which there is no exit and I have to reverse but due to my lack of experience it is difficult for me to turn around. The person explains to me how to do it.

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One of my most recurring dreams is to see or be near a volcanic eruption.
Yesterday I dreamed that I hit my sister and I came out unharmed.
I also dreamed about my ex and that he was staying in confinement, but I felt very upset with that decision.
What does all that mean?

Gabriela Noel Romero Romero


What does it mean to dream about diamonds, found on earth?



What does it mean to dream of a tree full of ripe fruits?